Family & Consumer Sciences A

● Students will identify and give examples of different fashion terms (i.e., fashion, fad, classic, style, design). ● Students will identify different laundering techniques depending on the textile. ● Students will identify the advertising campaigns of various companies and brands and analyze whether they are successful or unsuccessful. Scaffolded Learning : For new learners : ● Consider scaffolded notes or limit the scope of assignments or projects. ● Provide one-on-one guidance or precision partnering for classroom activities or projects. For accelerated learners : ● Students can draw and design different outfts that were popular in a chosen decade. ● Students can research different types of fbers and what items they are best used for. ● Students can research local clothing companies to see what kind of advertising they have used and whether it was successful. Vocabulary ● Fashion ● Fad

● Classic ● Design ● Haute Couture ● Avant-Garde ● Fashion Cycle ● Trend ● Accessories ● Laundry ● BrandName

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