Family & Consumer Sciences A

Differentiation in Action Skill Building

3.4 Purpose of Fashion: ● Have students analyze iconic fashion looks/styles from different eras and cultures to discuss how fashion expresses identity, status, values, etc. ● Do personal style activities where students describe their fashion choices and how they use clothing for self-expression ● Bring in guest speakers like fashion designers or stylists to discuss their creative process ● Watch documentaries or read case studies about how fashion trends emerge and communicate larger societal themes ● Practice laundering different fabric types and learn proper care techniques 3.5 Consumerism and Fashion Careers: ● Analyze marketing campaigns from major fashion brands and discuss persuasive techniques ● Research the manufacturing process and business model for a clothing company ● Explore merchandising by creating store window displays or planograms ● Develop business plans for a fashion startup or product line ● Career exploration: research various roles like buyers, stylists, journalists, designers ● Hands-on textile design like dyeing, batik, weaving, embroidery ● Recycle/upcycle old clothing through reconstruction projects ● Styling activities picking outfts for different occasions, client types ● Track spending and ethical sourcing for a monthly "capsule" wardrobe ● Debate ethical issues like cultural appropriation, labor practices, environmental impact


Resources Activities:

● My Fashion Style Assignment - Canvas ● Fashion History Presentation - Canvas Skills : ● Students will identify their fashion styles and preferred trends.

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