College and Career Awareness
Overarching UNIT Unpacked
Workplace Skills
● Throughout the Course
● WBL Experiences (Job Shadow, Mock Interviews)
○ (Contact your WBL Facilitator for assistance planning these events)
Strand 2: Students will develop, practice, and demonstrate academic content and workplace skills within Utah Career Clusters. ● Standard 1: Refect on how developing workplace skills impacts academic and career success. ● Standard 2: Identify, develop, and demonstrate personal characteristics that promote responsibility, dependability, productivity, high-quality work, and self-initiative. ● Standard 3: Explore different methods of communication. ● Standard 4: Apply critical thinking and problem-solving techniques. ● Standard 5: Identify and demonstrate effective collaboration and teamwork skills. CONCEPTS (Nouns) SKILLS (Verbs) LANGUAGE SUPPORTS ● Refecting on Workplace Skills ● Developing Personal Characteristics ● Exploring Communication Methods ● Applying Critical Thinking and Problem-solving ● Demonstrating Collaboration and Teamwork ● Refective Thinking ● Personal Characteristic Development ● Communication Skills ● Critical Thinking and Problem Solving ● Collaboration and Teamwork ● Essential Vocabulary ● Language Models and Sentance Frames ● Graphic Organizers ● Multimodal Resouces ● Guided Discussions
LEARNING PROGRESSIONS ● Understand what workplace skills are. ● Make connections between skills and success in the workplace. ● Learn about positive workplace characteristics. ● Set career goals and practice skills. ● Explore different styles of effective communication. ● Practice critical thinking skills and problem-solving techniques.
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