College and Career Awareness
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Instructional Guide 202 4 -202 5
College and Career Awareness 202 4 -202 5
Utah Career and Technical Education 2022-2023 AT-A-GLANCE
Career and Technical Education provides all students access to high-quality, rigorous career-focused programs that result in attainment of credentials with labor market value.
Data Represents Secondary Education Source of Data: Utah State Board of Education
185,256 Students enrolled in CTE courses
of CTE concentrators 97% graduate in 4 years. Native American Caucasian Asian Pacific Islander Black Hispanic Economically disadvantaged Homelessness Students with disabilities 92.8% 95.1% 96.1% 96.4% 96.9% 97.0% 97.2% 98.1% 91.7% 72.2% of students who concentrated in a CTE Pathway placed in postsecondary education, military service, or employment, within six months after graduation. (October 1-December 31, 2021-2022)
97% Graduation rate for students 99% who are CTE concentrators
Graduation rate for students who are CTE completers
graduatio Compared to Utah’s statewide n rate of
50.1% of students concentrated in a CTE Career Pathway. A concentrator is a student who has completed specific requirements in a single CTE program of study. 18.2% of students completed a CTE Career Pathway. A completer is a student who has completed specific course requirements and earned 3.0 credits in a single CTE program of study.
CREDENTIALS OF VALUE CTE Competency Certificates earned
144,201 * TOP CERTIFICATIONS Food and Nutrition 1 Child Development Woods 1 Commercial Photo 1 Interior Design 1 Exploring Computer Science 1
* Utah skill certifications, business, trade association, or other industry group
Utah Career and Technical Education
Top Pathways Students completing a CTE Career Pathway are recognized by the state of Utah and their high school by receiving a CTE Secondary Pathway Completer recognition Award. CTE Career Pathways with the Highest Completer Rates Health Science Broadcasting & Digital Media Programming & Software Development Business Information Management
WORKPLACE and COLLEGE READINESS 9th–12th grade CTE concentrators who earned credit, at “C” grade or better, in (CE, or IB, or AP) OR who passed skill certification/third-party industry exams. 85.2%
Engineering Automotive
Utah Members National Members 22,386 students are members of a Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO).
Students who participate in school organizations in 10th grade have higher grade point averages and are more likely to be enrolled in college at 21 years of age than other students (
47,015 students participated in
124,065 CTE Concurrent Enrollment (CE) credits earned
Students have opportunities to earn CE credits i CTE courses. CE provides prepared high school students with a challenging and rigorous college-level experience. Students in the program receive both college and high school credit.
College and Career Awareness is a middle school course designed to increase awareness of college and career pathways. Students explore high school, college, and career options based on individual interests , abilities , and skills . Students investigate high-skill and/or in-demand jobs in the Utah labor market, while developing workplace skills.
Utah CTE classes are open to all qualified students without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age.
Utah State Board of Education | 250 East 500 South | P.O. Box 144200 | Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4200 Sydnee Dickson, Ed.D. State Superintendent of Public Instruction Thalea Longhurst, State Director of Career and Technical Education
Published January 2024
CTE Knowledge Corner
CTE Key Vocabulary
Word/ Abbreviation
Association for Career and Technical Education (National)
A group of careers and industries that are related by skills or products.
Career Cluster
College and Career Awareness
College and Career Readiness
Concurrent Enrollment
Career and Technical Education
A secondary student who has met all of the requirements of a CTE pathway by completing 3.0 credits with one course being a concentrator course. A secondary student who has completed at least two courses, with at least one concentrator course, in a specifc CTE pathway. A Career Pathway is a sequence of courses within a student's area of interest that connects career interests and serves as an educational road map leading to a credential. Utah has developed 35 CTE Career Pathways that align with the national Career Clusters.
CTE Completer
CTE Concentrator
CTE Pathway
Career & Technical Student Organization
CTSO for future leaders and entrepreneurs in careers in marketing, fnance, hospitality and management.
CTSO- for Future Educators
Educators Rising
CTSO- Future Business Leaders of America
CTSO- Family, Career and Community Leaders of America
Family Consumer Science
CTSO- Future Farmers of America
CTSO-Future Health Professionals
Information Technology
A listserv is an automatic emailing service. As a member of a list, you will receive copies of all the mail that is sent to the group. Lists are used to share information and ideas, ask for help or clarifcation on topics, etc.
Federal CTE funding
CTSO- for Future Skilled Workers
Technology & Engineering
CTSO- Technology Student Association
Utah State Board of Education
Utah Association for Career and Technical Education
Work-Based Learning
Helpful Websites ● ACTE ● CSDCTE ● USBE- CTE ● UtahACTE
Utah CTE Career PATHWAYS Pathways to College & Career Readiness School Year 2024-2025
Career Cluster® > Career Pathway
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources > Agricultural Mechanics Systems > Agricultural Production Systems > Animal & Veterinary Science > Food Science, Dietetics & Nutrition > Natural Resource Science > Plant Science Architecture & Construction > Architectural & Interior Design > Construction & Structural Systems Arts, Audio/Visual Technology & Communications
Education & Training > Pre-K: Early Childhood Education > K-12: Teaching as a Profession Engineering & Technology > Engineering Health Science > Health Science Hospitality & Tourism > Culinary Arts > Hospitality & Tourism Human Services > Family & Human Services > Personal Care Services Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security > Protective Services Manufacturing > Manufacturing & Production > Welding & Machining Transportation, Distribution & Logistics > Automotive >Aviation >Diesel
> Broadcasting & Digital Media > Fashion Apparel & Textiles > Graphic Design & Communication Business, Finance & Marketing
>Business >Finance > Marketing Computer Science & Information Technology > Cybersecurity > Information Technology Systems > Programming & Software Development > Web Development
32 CTE Career Pathways
As of August 2023 ADA Compliant: August 2023
Unit 1
Interest Aptitudes and Career Options
Suggested Pacing
Strands and Standards
Strand1 Standards 1-5 Strand4 Standard3
Performance Objectives
● Career Assessment
Overarching Unit
Workplace Skills (Can be co-taught with WBL Facilitator and Counselor)
Suggested Pacing
Throughout the Course
Strands and Standards
Strand2 Standards 1-5 Strand4 Standard3
Performance Objectives
● Insights and reflections related to the individual plan for College and Career Readiness (PCCR)
Unit 2
Career Clusters & Pathways
Suggested Pacing
a. Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources 3-5 Days b. Architecture & Construction 5-10 Days c. Arts, Audio/Visual Technology and Communications 5-10 Days d. Business, Finance & Marketing 5-10 Days e. Computer Science & Information Technology 2-3 Days f. Education & Training 3-5 Days
g. Engineering & Technology 3-5 Days h. Health Science 5-7 Days i. Hospitality & Tourism 2-4 Days j. Human Services 1-3 Days k. Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security 1-2 Days l. Manufacturing 1-3 Days m. Transportation, Distribution & Logistics 2-4 Days
Strands and Standards
Strand1 Standard3
Performance Objectives
Minimum of: ● One Project-Based Learning Opportunity ● One Simulation ● Two Work-Based Learning Opportunities
Unit 3
Suggested Pacing
Throughout Unit 2 2-4 Days for Simulated Competitive Event
Stands and Standards
Stand3 Standards 1 & 2
Performance Objectives
● One Simulated CTSO Competitive Event ● Reflection on future impacts of participating in a CTSO
Unit 4
Plan for the Future (Co-Taught with Counselor)
Suggested Pacing
Strands and Standards
Strand4 Standards 1,2,3
Performance Objective
● Insights and Reflections for Plan for College and Career Readiness (PCCR)
DWSBA and Testing Window: (DWSBAs are found in the CSD CTE DWSBA Canvas Course) Pre-Assessment: Within the frst two weeks of the semester. Post Assessment : Within the last two weeks of the semester. SALTA Extensions: ● Consider precision partnering or individualized work for PBL and simulation assignments. ● Allow a student to develop potential new projects for the cluster area lesson. ● Students develop lesson materials (graphic organizers, relevant articles, career brochures, etc.). ● Consider more involved projects: (for example) instead of the student making the pencil roll, allow the student to make a drawstring bag.
Unit 1
Career Exploration
● OneMonth
● 1: Students will assess their interests and aptitudes and explore related career options based on current Career and Technical (CTE) Career Clusters and Pathways. (This strand will be incorporated throughout the course.) ○ 1: Explore the relationship of individual interests, skills, and aptitudes for future academic and career goals. ● Complete an interest assessment to identify your personal skill set (e.g. Keys to Success, You Science) ○ A personal skill set is the combination of knowledge, personal qualities, and abilities developed through life experiences. ● ● Identify individual interests, skills, and aptitudes for career selection. ○ Interest is wanting to know or learn about something. ○ Skills are a learned ability to do well in something. ○ Aptitude is a natural ability to do something. ● Compare the relationship between education and training for future career options. ● Investigate how career choices relate to aspirations and future standard of living. ○ Aspiration is the hope of achieving something. ○ The standard of living is the degree of wealth or material comfort available to an individual. ○ 2: Explore and participate in the process of preparing to apply for an entry-level job about future academic and career goals. ● An entry-level job is a job that can be performed with minimal education or experience. ● A career is a long-term job that requires advanced education or work experience that an individual builds towards over time. ● Evaluate career ability based on the career outlook information. (, etc.) ● Compare opportunities for traditional and non-traditional career choices. ○ Nontraditional careers are occupations for which individuals from one gender comprise less than 25% of the individuals employed in each such occupation (e.g. aviation, chefs, computer science, cosmetology, dental hygienist, engineering, welding, etc.) ○ A digital footprint is the information about a particular person that exists on the internet as a result of online activity. ● Explore, participate, and explain job-seeking skills based on entry-level job requirements. ○ Evaluate a resume with effective elements. ○ Grammar/spelling error-free ○ Appropriate contact information (name, email address, ● ● Explain the impact of a digital footprint in job seeking.
phone number) ○ Organized experience (job experience, community service, leadership, etc.) ○ Skills (workplace skills, computer skills, certifications, etc.) ○ A mock interview is a practice interview that allows the interviewee to create effective responses, work on nonverbal, communication skills, and become familiar with interview settings. ○ Research and prepare responses to common interview questions. ○ Prepare questions to ask the interviewer (e.g. position responsibilities, benefits, opportunities with the company, company environment, etc.) ○ Research appropriate attire for mock interviews. ○ Identify different interview settings (e.g. face to face, group, video conference, phone call, lunch/dinner meeting, etc.) ○ Explain the steps to take after an interview (e.g. write a thank you email, the appropriate time to follow up, etc.) ○ Participate in a variety of Work Based Learning Experiences (e.g. guest speakers, field studies, job shadows, and career fairs.) ● Identify potential career opportunities offered with each Work Based Learning experience. ○ Identify future work-based learning opportunities that align with individual career interests (e.g. school-level courses, postsecondary-level courses, internships, apprenticeships, etc.) ○ Participate in a Mock Interview.
○ 4: Identify the courses outlined on a career pathway and compare the requirements for a CTE pathway concentrator and a CTE pathway completer and identify pathways available to students. ● Supporting courses are suggested courses to help students gain additional knowledge and skills within a pathway. ● Explorer courses are courses designed for Grades 9 and 10 to allow students to find out what they like and dislike. ● Concentrator courses are courses unique to a specific career pathway. ● CTE pathway concentrator is a student who has completed at least two courses with at least one concentrator course, in a specific pathway. ● CTE pathway completer is a student who has met all requirements of a CTE pathway by completing 3.0 credits with one course being a concentrator course. ● Identify career pathway(s) available at local high school(s). ● Identify sporting, concentrator, and complete courses for career pathway interests. ○ 5: Define and identify post-secondary education and training opportunities through Utah technical colleges, community colleges, universities, and industries in addition to high school offerings through Career and Technical (CTE) courses. ● Identify postsecondary education opportunities.
○ Technical College is a college that offers certificate programs to meet business and industry needs for technically skilled workers. ○ Community college is primarily a two-year public institution that grants certificates, diplomas, and associate degrees. ○ University is an institution that offers both undergraduate and graduate degrees.
○ Undergraduate degree is a degree at the first level of postsecondary education (e.g. Associate, bachelor’s) ● Graduate degree is an advanced academic degree in a specialized field of study (e.g. Master’s, Doctorate) ● Identify industry education opportunities. ○ Apprenticeship is an industry-driving, high-quality career pathway where employers can develop and prepare their future workers and individuals can obtain paid work experience, classroom instruction, and a portable, nationally recognized credential. ○ Internship is a high-quality experience where students are mentored by an employer for approximately 40 hours on-site during on course to learn about a particular industry or occupation. ○ Job shadow is a structured career activity in which students follow an industry professional for a short period to learn about a particular occupation or industry. ● Identify the types of credentials earned at post-secondary and industry levels (e.g. certificate, license, Associate Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Master's Degree, Doctorate Degree). ● Investigate postsecondary education and industry certification requirements for future career goals (e.g. apprenticeships, certifications, college degrees)
END OF UNIT COMPETENCY WITH LANGUAGE EXPECTATIONS ● I can identify and explain my interests, skills, and aptitudes or future academic and career goals. ● I can explain the process of preparing to apply for an entry-level job about future academic and career goals. ● I can identify the course outlined in a career pathway. ● I can explain the requirements of a CTE concentrator and a CTE pathway completer. ● I can identify and explain post-secondary education and training opportunities available through Utah Technical Colleges, Community Colleges, Universities, and Industries. Performance Objective(s) : ● Students will participate in at least two Work-Based Learning opportunities (guest speakers, job shadows, career fairs, field studies) and provide an artifact for each experience. SCAFFOLDING IN ACTION
● Provide a graphic organizer, and model how to identify what happened first, next, or last; claim evidence to express an opinion. ● Provide word banks when students are completing writing or speaking tasks to support their responses. ● For extended writing or speaking activities, provide a student an annotated model highlighting the language and structure a student will need to reproduce their own. ● Allow opportunities for students to use a mix of their home language and English. ● In discussion, model and have students use the sentence frames and word banks to support their responses. ● Provide visual vocabulary cards to build content knowledge. ● Engage the student in more student-teacher conversation or group the student with other advanced learners who are ready for more challenging dialog. ● Students lead discussions or ask questions about the topics covered in a lesson.
Skill Building
● Have students provide extended responses/more details.
● You Science ● Keys to Success ● Career One Stop ● My Next Move ● Utah Career Clusters and Pathways VOCABULARY ● Personal skill set ● Interests ● Skills aptitude ● Aspiration ● Standard of living ● Entry level job ● Career ● Non-traditional careers
● Work Based Learning (WBL) ● Career cluster ● Career pathway ● Supporting courses ● Explorer courses ● Concentrator courses ● CTE pathway concentrator ● CTE pathway completer ● Technical college ● Community college ● University ● Undergraduate degree ● Graduate degree
● Digital footprint ● Mock interview ● University ● Undergraduate degree ● Graduate degree
UNIT 1 Unpacked
Career Exploration
● OneMonth
● You Science
○ (Ask the WBL Facilitator or the CTE Specialist for log-in help)
STANDARDS Strand 1: Students will assess their interests and aptitudes and explore related career options based on current Career and Technical (CTE) Career Clusters and Pathways. (This strand will be incorporated throughout the course.) ● Standard 1: Explore the relationship of individual interests, skills, and aptitudes for future academic and career goals. ● Standard 2: Explore and participate in the process of preparing to apply for an entry-level job in relation to future academic and career goals. ● Standard 4: Identify the courses outlined on a career pathway and compare the requirements for a CTE pathway concentrator and a CTE pathway completer and identify pathways available to students. ● Standard 5: Defne and identify post-secondary education and training opportunities through Utah technical colleges, community colleges, universities, and industries in addition to high school offerings through Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses. CONCEPTS (Nouns) SKILLS (Verbs) LANGUAGE SUPPORTS ● Assessment of Interests and Aptitudes ● Career Exploration within CTE Career Clusters and Pathways ● Preparing for Entry-Level Jobs ● CTE Pathway Concentrator and Completer Requirements ● Post- Secondary Education and Training Opportunities ● Self-Assessment Skills ● Career Exploration Skills ● Job Preparation Skills ● Comparative Analysis Skills ● Research and Information Gathering Skills ● Communication Skills ● Critical Thinking and Decision-Making Skills ● Planning and Organization Skills ● ● Vocabulary Building ● Simplifed Language ● Visual Aids ● Guided Reading Materials ● Multilingual Resources ● Graphic Organizers ● Interactive Activities ● Modeling and Examples
LEARNING PROGRESSIONS ● Assess interests, skills, and aptitudes for future academic and career goals.
● Examine the process of preparing to apply for an entry-level job about future academic and career goals. ● Determine courses outlined in a career pathway. ● Explore the requirements to become a CTE concentrator and/or CTE pathway completer. ● Explore post-secondary education and training options. VOCABULARY ● Personal Skill Set ● Interests ● Skills aptitude ● Aspiration ● Standard of Living ● Entry Level Job ● University ● Undergraduate Degree ● Career ● Non-traditional careers ● Digital Footprint ● Mock Interview ● Work Based Learning (WBL) ● Career Cluster ● Graduate Degree ● Career Pathway ● Supporting Courses ● Explorer Courses ● CTE Pathway Concentrator ● CTE Pathway Completer ● Technical College ● Community College
END OF UNIT COMPETENCIES Aptitude Assessment Results and Refection CTE Pathway Plan DIFFERENTIATION IN ACTION
● Self-Assessment Skills- students take the You Scicence Aptitude Assessment ● Career Exploration Skills- Facilitate Career Exploration workshops for students to research and present information about specifc career clusters and pathways ● Job Preparation Skills- offer workshops for resume writing and mock interviews ● Comparative Analysis Sills- Provide case studies or scenarios that require a student to compare and contrast different CTE pathways, job requirements, and educational opportunities. ● Communication and Collaboration- incorporate group projects and collaborative assignments that require students to communicate effectively, delegate tasks, and work as a team to achieve common goals. ● Critical Thinking and Decision-Making Skills: Present real-world scenarios and cases to students that challenge students to analyze information, evaluate options, and make informed decisions about their academic and career goals. ● Entrepreneurship and Innovation- give students projects that encourage students to identify real-world problems, brainstorm solutions, and prototype innovative products or services. ● Team competitions: have students form teams to compete in hackathons, coding competitions, robotics leagues, or
Skill Building
entrepreneurial pitch competitions that foster creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving skills.
Overarching Unit
Workplace Skills
● Throughout the course
2: Students will develop, practice, and demonstrate academic content and workplace skills within the current Utah Career Clusters. 1: Reflect on how developing workplace skills impacts academic and career success. ● Identify the benefits of strong workplace skills. ● Explain the negative consequences of underdeveloped workplace skills. 2: Identify, develop, and demonstrate personal characteristics that promote responsibility, dependability, productivity, high-quality work, and self-initiative. ● Identify personal characteristics. ○ Responsibility is being dependable, making good choices, and being accountable for your actions. ○ Dependability is consistently being on time, producing high-quality work, completing tasks on time, and doing what is right when unsupervised. ○ Productivity is effectively using time, energy, and attention to achieve a goal. ○ High-quality work is work that meets deadline requirements, completes expectations, and presents accurate information. ○ Self-initiative is the ability to be independent, resourceful, and work without always being told what to do. ● Develop personal characteristics. ○ Demonstrate regular and on-time attendance. ○ Meet deadlines and complete tasks on time. ○ Exhibit self-motivation and self-discipline (i.e. can work and think independently). ○ Show respect for others (i.e. time, property, opinions, etc.) ○ Be responsible for your actions. ○ Demonstrate a strong work ethic (i.e. grit, determination, dedication, perseverance, etc.) ● Identify different methods of workplace communication. ○ Verbal (e.g. oral and written) ○ Nonverbal (e.g. body language, personal appearance, etc.) ○ Visual (e.g. charts, graphics, images, etc.) ○ Listening (e.g. active listening) ● Compare personal and professional communication. ● Evaluate the impact of technology on communication in the workplace. ○ Identify scenarios when different methods of communication would be used in the workplace (e.g. using video-conferencing instead of an in-person meeting for remote workers) ○ Compare how a technology method may be more effective depending on a situation (e.g. using a phone call to communicate over an email). 3: Explore different methods of communication.
○ Practice technical reading and writing (e.g. diagrams, blueprints, how-to instructions or videos, documentation, etc.)
4: Apply critical thinking and problem-solving techniques. ● Apply critical thinking to solve a problem. ○ Understand the problem. ● Identify the problem.
● Explain what you know and what you need to know to create a solution. ● Develop a problem statement. ○ Research the problem. ● Gather relevant and accurate information from multiple sources and search engines. ● Collaborate to share information and ideas. ● Critically analyze possible solutions (e.g. consider multiple points of view) ○ Resolve the problem.
● Determine the best solution. ● Present the feedback solution.
○ Evaluate the solution. END OF UNIT COMPETENCY WITH LANGUAGE EXPECTATIONS I can identify the benefts of strong workplace skills. I can explain the negative consequences of underdeveloped workplace skills. I can identify and explain essential personal characteristics for the workplace. I can explain the different methods of communication. I can narrate how to use critical thinking and problem-solving skills to solve a problem. Performance Objective(s): Students will begin to create a portfolio that includes: ● A career assessment. ● Insights and reflections (positive and negative) related to the individual process of middle/junior high school, postsecondary, and career preparation aligned to individual Plan for College and Career Readiness PCCR). SCAFFOLDING IN ACTION
● Provide a graphic organizer, and model how to identify what happened first, next, or last; claim evidence to express an opinion. ● Provide word banks when students complete writing or speaking tasks to support their responses. ● For extended writing or speaking activities, provide a student an annotated model highlighting the language and structure a student will need to be able to reproduce their own. ● Allow students to use a mix of their home language and English. ● In discussion, model and have students use the sentence frames and word banks to support their responses. ● Provide visual vocabulary cards to build content knowledge. ● Engage the student in more student-teacher conversation or group the student with other advanced learners ready for more challenging dialog. ● Students lead discussions or ask questions about the topics covered in a lesson. ● Have students provide extended responses/more details.
Skill Building
RESOURCES ● Mock Interviews- work with your work-based learning facilitator to bring in industry partners to mock interview the students using the district mock Interview questions. ● Job Shadow- have students shadow a relative for an hour and complete a reflection assignment that highlights the essential workplace skills required for the job. ● STEM Problem Solving Projects: have students develop solutions to real-world problems using the problem-solving steps. Suggested real-world problems could include but are not limited to:
○ Preventing soil erosion ○ Growing food in a food ○ Overpopulation in a local city ○ Creating Clean Water ○ Cleaning up an oil spill ○ Earthquake resistant structures ○ Creating a solar oven ○ Stopping apple oxidation
* To plan a work-based learning experience for your students, contact your work-based learning facilitator.* VOCABULARY
● Responsibility ● Dependability ● Productivity ● High-Quality Work ● Self- Initiative
Overarching UNIT Unpacked
Workplace Skills
● Throughout the Course
● WBL Experiences (Job Shadow, Mock Interviews)
○ (Contact your WBL Facilitator for assistance planning these events)
Strand 2: Students will develop, practice, and demonstrate academic content and workplace skills within Utah Career Clusters. ● Standard 1: Refect on how developing workplace skills impacts academic and career success. ● Standard 2: Identify, develop, and demonstrate personal characteristics that promote responsibility, dependability, productivity, high-quality work, and self-initiative. ● Standard 3: Explore different methods of communication. ● Standard 4: Apply critical thinking and problem-solving techniques. ● Standard 5: Identify and demonstrate effective collaboration and teamwork skills. CONCEPTS (Nouns) SKILLS (Verbs) LANGUAGE SUPPORTS ● Refecting on Workplace Skills ● Developing Personal Characteristics ● Exploring Communication Methods ● Applying Critical Thinking and Problem-solving ● Demonstrating Collaboration and Teamwork ● Refective Thinking ● Personal Characteristic Development ● Communication Skills ● Critical Thinking and Problem Solving ● Collaboration and Teamwork ● Essential Vocabulary ● Language Models and Sentance Frames ● Graphic Organizers ● Multimodal Resouces ● Guided Discussions
LEARNING PROGRESSIONS ● Understand what workplace skills are. ● Make connections between skills and success in the workplace. ● Learn about positive workplace characteristics. ● Set career goals and practice skills. ● Explore different styles of effective communication. ● Practice critical thinking skills and problem-solving techniques.
● Develop teamwork skills and best practices. VOCABULARY
● Responsibility ● Dependability ● Productivity ● High-Quality Work ● Self- Initiative
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
Unit 2a
● 3-5 Class Periods
1: Students will assess their interests and aptitudes and explore related career options based on current Career and Technical Education (CTE) Career Clusters and Pathways. 3: Explore the current Utah Career Clusters and Pathways using project-based learning and simulations and discuss academic content and skills required for specific pathways. ● Career cluster is a group of careers and industries that are related by skills or products. ● Career pathway is a collection of corresponding courses that prepare students for a given career. ● Investigate current Utah Career Clusters offered through Career and Technical Education (CTE). ○ Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources ● Discuss academic content knowledge and skills related to career pathways. END OF UNIT COMPETENCY WITH LANGUAGE EXPECTATIONS I can identify career pathways found in the Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources career cluster. I can identify and explain several different careers related to the Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources career cluster. I can explain the essential skills a person would need to work in the industry of Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources. I can explain the education requirements for several careers in the felds of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources. Performance Objective(s): ● Students will participate in at least one project-based learning opportunity to explore current Utah Career Clusters. (Project-based learning is where students learn by actively engaging in real-world and personally meaningful projects.) ● Students will participate in at least one simulation opportunity to explore current Utah Career Clusters. (Simulation is a model that mimics the operation of an existing or proposed system, providing evidence for decision-making by being able to test different scenarios or process changes.) SCAFFOLDING IN ACTION
● Provide a graphic organizer, and model how to identify what happened first, next, or last; claim evidence to express an opinion. ● Provide word banks when students are completing writing or speaking tasks to support their responses. ● For extended writing or speaking activities, provide a student an annotated model
Skill Building
highlighting the language and structure a student will need to reproduce their own. ● Allow opportunities for students to use a mix of their home language and English. ● In discussion, model and have students use the sentence frames and word banks to support their responses. ● Provide visual vocabulary cards to build content knowledge. ● Engage the student in more student-teacher conversation or group the student with other advanced learners who are ready for more challenging dialog. ● Students lead discussions or ask questions about the topics covered in a lesson. ● Have students provide extended responses/more details.
● Growing Seeds in a plastic glove (or Ziplock Bad) (PBL) ● Utah Ag Classroom Resources
● Planet Zorcon (Simulation) ● Millennial Farmer Videos ● Farm to Table vs. GP Class Debate
● Dietetics ● Nutrition ● Natural Resource Science ● Plant Science
● Agricultural Mechanics Systems ● Agricultural Production Systems ● Animal Science ● Veterinary Science ● Food Science
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Career Cluster Flyer
Pathway Charts Agriculture Mechanics Systems Agricultural Production Systems Animal & Veterinary Science Food Science, Dietetics & Nutrition Natural Resource Science Plant Science
Unit 2 b Architecture & Construction
● 5-10 Class Periods
1: Students will assess their interests and aptitudes and explore related career options based on current Career and Technical Education (CTE) Career Clusters and Pathways. 3: Explore the current Utah Career Clusters and Pathways using project-based learning and simulations and discuss academic content and skills required for specific pathways. ● Career cluster is a group of careers and industries that are related by skills or products. ● Career pathway is a collection of corresponding courses that prepare students for a given career. ● Investigate current Utah Career Clusters offered through Career and Technical Education (CTE). ○ Architecture & Construction ● Discuss academic content knowledge and skills related to career pathways. I can identify career pathways found in the Architecture & Construction career cluster. I can identify and explain several different careers related to the Architecture & Construction career cluster. I can explain the essential skills a person would need to work in the industry of Architecture & Construction. I can explain the education requirements for several careers in the feld of Architecture & Construction. Performance Objective(s): ● Students will participate in at least one project-based learning opportunity to explore current Utah Career Clusters. (Project-based learning is where students learn by actively engaging in real-world and personally meaningful projects.) ● Students will participate in at least one simulation opportunity to explore current Utah Career Clusters. (Simulation is a model that mimics the operation of an existing or proposed system, providing evidence for decision-making by being able to test different scenarios or process changes.) SCAFFOLDING IN ACTION END OF UNIT COMPETENCY WITH LANGUAGE EXPECTATIONS
● Provide a graphic organizer, and model how to identify what happened first, next, or last; claim evidence to express an opinion. ● Provide word banks when students are completing writing or speaking tasks to support their responses. ● For extended writing or speaking activities, provide a student an annotated model highlighting the language and structure a student will need to reproduce their own. ● Allow opportunities for students to use a mix of their home language and English. ● In discussion, model and have students use the sentence frames and word banks to
Skill Building
support their responses. ● Provide visual vocabulary cards to build content knowledge.
● Engage the student in more student-teacher conversation or group the student with other advanced learners who are ready for more challenging dialog. ● Students lead discussions or ask questions about the topics covered in a lesson. ● Have students provide extended responses/more details.
● Google Sketchup ● Floor Planner ● Planner 5D ● Tiny House Project (PBL)
● Architectural Design ● Interior Design ● Construction Systems ● Structural Systems ● Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
Architecture & Construction Career Cluster Flyer
Pathway Charts Architectural & Interior Design Construction & Structural Systems
Arts, Audio/Visual Technology and Communications
Unit 2c
● 5-10 Class Periods
1: Students will assess their interests and aptitudes and explore related career options based on current Career and Technical Education (CTE) Career Clusters and Pathways. 3: Explore the current Utah Career Clusters and Pathways using project-based learning and simulations and discuss academic content and skills required for specific pathways. ● Career cluster is a group of careers and industries that are related by skills or products. ● Career pathway is a collection of corresponding courses that prepare students for a given career. ● Investigate current Utah Career Clusters offered through Career and Technical Education (CTE). ○ Arts, Audio/Visual Technology and Communications ● Discuss academic content knowledge and skills related to career pathways. I can identify career pathways found in the Arts, Audio/Visual Technology, and Communications career cluster. I can identify and explain several different careers related to the AArts, Audio/Visual Technology, and Communications career cluster. I can explain the essential skills a person would need to work in the industry of Arts, Audio/Visual Technology, and Communications. I can explain the education requirements for several careers in the felds of Arts, Audio/Visual Technology, and Communications. Performance Objective(s): ● Students will participate in at least one project-based learning opportunity to explore current Utah Career Clusters. (Project-based learning is where students learn by actively engaging in real-world and personally meaningful projects.) ● Students will participate in at least one simulation opportunity to explore current Utah Career Clusters. (Simulation is a model that mimics the operation of an existing or proposed system, providing evidence for decision-making by being able to test different scenarios or process changes.) SCAFFOLDING IN ACTION END OF UNIT COMPETENCY WITH LANGUAGE EXPECTATIONS
● Provide a graphic organizer, and model how to identify what happened first, next, or last; claim evidence to express an opinion.
Skill Building
● Provide word banks when students are completing writing or speaking tasks to support their responses. ● For extended writing or speaking activities, provide a student an annotated model highlighting the language and structure a student will need to reproduce their own. ● Allow opportunities for students to use a mix of their home language and English. ● In discussion, model and have students use the sentence frames and word banks to support their responses. ● Provide visual vocabulary cards to build content knowledge. ● Engage the student in more student-teacher conversation or group the student with other advanced learners who are ready for more challenging dialog. ● Students lead discussions or ask questions about the topics covered in a lesson. ● Have students provide extended responses/more details.
● Sewing Pencil Roll Project ● Flipbook Animation ● Audacity (Audio Activities)
● Sounzabound (Audio Activities) ● Stick Figure Animation- Stykz ● Music FX- AI music generator (Teacher use only) ● Canva Magic Studio- AI image generator (Teacher and Student use) ● PIXLR- AI image Generator (Teacher and Student use) VOCABULARY
● Audio Technology ● Visual Technology ● Broadcasting ● Digital Media ● Fashion Apparel ● Textiles ● Graphic Design ● Communication ● AI
Arts, Audio/Visual Technology and Communications Flyer
Pathway Charts Broadcasting and Digital Media Fashion and Textiles Graphic Design and Communication
Business, Finance & Marketing
Unit 2d
● 5-10 Class Periods
1: Students will assess their interests and aptitudes and explore related career options based on current Career and Technical Education (CTE) Career Clusters and Pathways. 3: Explore the current Utah Career Clusters and Pathways using project-based learning and simulations and discuss academic content and skills required for specific pathways. ● Career cluster is a group of careers and industries that are related by skills or products. ● Career pathway is a collection of corresponding courses that prepare students for a given career. ● Investigate current Utah Career Clusters offered through Career and Technical Education (CTE). ○ Business, Finance & Marketing ● Discuss academic content knowledge and skills related to career pathways. I can identify career pathways found in the Business, Finance & Marketing career cluster. I can identify and explain several different careers related to the Business, Finance & Marketing career cluster. I can explain the essential skills a person would need to work in the industry of Business, Finance & Marketing. I can explain the education requirements for several careers in the felds of Business, Finance & Marketing. Performance Objective(s): ● Students will participate in at least one project-based learning opportunity to explore current Utah Career Clusters. (Project-based learning is where students learn by actively engaging in real-world and personally meaningful projects.) ● Students will participate in at least one simulation opportunity to explore current Utah Career Clusters. (Simulation is a model that mimics the operation of an existing or proposed system, providing evidence for decision-making by being able to test different scenarios or process changes.) SCAFFOLDING IN ACTION END OF UNIT COMPETENCY WITH LANGUAGE EXPECTATIONS
● Provide a graphic organizer, and model how to identify what happened first, next, or last; claim evidence to express an opinion. ● Provide word banks when students are completing writing or speaking tasks to support their responses. ● For extended writing or speaking activities, provide a student an annotated model
Skill Building
highlighting the language and structure a student will need to reproduce their own. ● Allow opportunities for students to use a mix of their home language and English. ● In discussion, model and have students use the sentence frames and word banks to support their responses. ● Provide visual vocabulary cards to build content knowledge. ● Engage the student in more student-teacher conversation or group the student with other advanced learners who are ready for more challenging dialog. ● Students lead discussions or ask questions about the topics covered in a lesson. ● Have students provide extended responses/more details.
● Next Gen Personal Finance ● Market Watch ● Soft Skill Videos ● Resume Writing Google Doc Template ● Jr Achievement- It’s My Business ● Human Resources VOCABULARY ● Accounting ● Finance ● Business Administration ● Business Information Management ● Marketing Additions
Business, Finance, and Marketing Flyer
Pathway Charts Business Finance Marketing
Computer Science & Information Technology
Unit 2e
● 2-3 Class Periods
1: Students will assess their interests and aptitudes and explore related career options based on current Career and Technical Education (CTE) Career Clusters and Pathways. 3: Explore the current Utah Career Clusters and Pathways using project-based learning and simulations and discuss academic content and skills required for specific pathways. ● Career cluster is a group of careers and industries that are related by skills or products. ● Career pathway is a collection of corresponding courses that prepare students for a given career. ● Investigate current Utah Career Clusters offered through Career and Technical Education (CTE). ○ Computer Science & Information Technology ● Discuss academic content knowledge and skills related to career pathways. END OF UNIT COMPETENCY WITH LANGUAGE EXPECTATIONS I can identify career pathways found in the Computer Science & Information Technology career cluster. I can identify and explain several different careers related to the Computer Science & Information Technology career cluster. I can explain the essential skills a person would need to work in the industry of Computer Science & Information Technology. I can explain the education requirements for several careers in the felds of Computer Science & Information Technology. Performance Objective(s): ● Students will participate in at least one project-based learning opportunity to explore current Utah Career Clusters. (Project-based learning is where students learn by actively engaging in real-world and personally meaningful projects.) ● Students will participate in at least one simulation opportunity to explore current Utah Career Clusters. (Simulation is a model that mimics the operation of an existing or proposed system, providing evidence for decision-making by being able to test different scenarios or process changes.) SCAFFOLDING IN ACTION
● Provide a graphic organizer, and model how to identify what happened first, next, or last; claim evidence to express an opinion. ● Provide word banks when students are completing writing or speaking tasks to support their responses. ● For extended writing or speaking activities, provide a student an annotated model
Skill Building
highlighting the language and structure a student will need to reproduce their own. ● Allow opportunities for students to use a mix of their home language and English. ● In discussion, model and have students use the sentence frames and word banks to support their responses. ● Provide visual vocabulary cards to build content knowledge. ● Engage the student in more student-teacher conversation or group the student with other advanced learners who are ready for more challenging dialog. ● Students lead discussions or ask questions about the topics covered in a lesson. ● Have students provide extended responses/more details.
● ● Scratch Coding ● Khan Academy Pizar in a Box ● Micro: bit ● Google Music Lab
● Computer Science ● Information Technology Systems
● Cybersecurity ● Programming ● Software Development ● Web Development
Computer Science & Information Technology Flyer
Pathway Charts Cybersecurity Information Technology Systems Programming and Software Development Web Development
Unit 2 g Engineering & Technology
● 3-5 Class Periods
1: Students will assess their interests and aptitudes and explore related career options based on current Career and Technical Education (CTE) Career Clusters and Pathways. 3: Explore the current Utah Career Clusters and Pathways using project-based learning and simulations and discuss academic content and skills required for specific pathways. ● Career cluster is a group of careers and industries that are related by skills or products. ● Career pathway is a collection of corresponding courses that prepare students for a given career. ● Investigate current Utah Career Clusters offered through Career and Technical Education (CTE). ○ Engineering & Technology ● Discuss academic content knowledge and skills related to career pathways. I can identify career pathways found in the Engineering & Technology career cluster. I can identify and explain several different careers related to the Engineering & Technology career cluster. I can explain the essential skills a person would need to work in the industry of Engineering & Technology. I can explain the education requirements for several careers in the felds of Engineering & Technology. Performance Objective(s): ● Students will participate in at least one project-based learning opportunity to explore current Utah Career Clusters. (Project-based learning is where students learn by actively engaging in real-world and personally meaningful projects.) ● Students will participate in at least one simulation opportunity to explore current Utah Career Clusters. (Simulation is a model that mimics the operation of an existing or proposed system, providing evidence for decision-making by being able to test different scenarios or process changes.) SCAFFOLDING IN ACTION END OF UNIT COMPETENCY WITH LANGUAGE EXPECTATIONS
● Provide a graphic organizer, and model how to identify what happened first, next, or last; claim evidence to express an opinion. ● Provide word banks when students are completing writing or speaking tasks to support their responses. ● For extended writing or speaking activities, provide a student an annotated model highlighting the language and structure a student will need to reproduce their own. ● Allow opportunities for students to use a mix of their home language and English. ● In discussion, model and have students use the sentence frames and word banks to
Skill Building
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