College and Career Awareness

RESOURCES ● Mock Interviews- work with your work-based learning facilitator to bring in industry partners to mock interview the students using the district mock Interview questions. ● Job Shadow- have students shadow a relative for an hour and complete a reflection assignment that highlights the essential workplace skills required for the job. ● STEM Problem Solving Projects: have students develop solutions to real-world problems using the problem-solving steps. Suggested real-world problems could include but are not limited to:

○ Preventing soil erosion ○ Growing food in a food ○ Overpopulation in a local city ○ Creating Clean Water ○ Cleaning up an oil spill ○ Earthquake resistant structures ○ Creating a solar oven ○ Stopping apple oxidation

* To plan a work-based learning experience for your students, contact your work-based learning facilitator.* VOCABULARY

● Responsibility ● Dependability ● Productivity ● High-Quality Work ● Self- Initiative

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