Vestibulum ante:
The Canyons Teacher Effectiveness Support System is designed to:
• ensure that every student in Canyons School District receives high quality instruction every day, • prioritizeprofessionalgrowth and support for all educators, • improve feedback to educators about effective instruction, • measure implementation of the CSD academic framework, • increase collaboration through professional learning communities, • and retain and promote effective related service providers. CTESS strives to improve student outcomes byhelping related service providers identify areas of strengthand growth, in the context of research validated practices, through meaningful feedback, team collaboration, professionallearning, andon- going coaching.
The Purpose of CTESS At theheartofCTESS isthedesireto notjust meet requirements ofUtah State law (R277- 531), but to provide support forevidence- based teaching practices and professional growth that will ultimately offer the best possible learning experiences for all students attending schools in Canyons School District. The Utah State Board of Education evaluation model has been adapted to match the context of Canyons School District's shared vocabulary, values, and professional development framework. This manual is designed to provide details about CTESS: how high quality therapy is measured, and howratings are completed.
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