The Utah State Board of Education, via the Public Educator Evaluation Requirements (PEER) committee, has endorsed the Canyons Teacher Effectiveness Support System (CTESS) as a technically compliant system as well as an effective system that uses feedback and coaching as a tool for improving instruction. There are three elements of The Canyons Teacher Effectiveness Support System, or CTESS:
1. Performance Quality, 2. Student Growth, and 3. Stakeholder Input 4. Summative Overall
Canyons School District has determined that 70% of an educator’s summative overall rating is determined by an administrator’s supervisory rating (Instructional Quality Rating), 20% from student growth, and 10% from stakeholder input.
Effectiveness Ratings Educator performance results in an effectiveness rating for each of the following: • Performance Quality
• Stakeholder Input • Student Growth • Summative Overall
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