"Teachers don’t want a blank check. They want a useful conversation between professionals." Miriam Greenberg, Teachers Want Better Feedback, EdWeek
Providing teachers with explicit feedback improves instructional practices and leads to better student outcomes. Improving instruction through performance feedback is perhaps the most researched evidence- based practicewithwhich to assist teachers in implementing effective teaching practices (e.g. Burns, Peters, & Noell 2008; Jones, Wickstrom, & Friman, 1997; Noell, Gresham, & Gansel, 2002; Noell et al., 2000; Noell et al., 2005; Wickstrom, Jones, LaFleur, & Witt, 1998). Teachers want and deserve accurate and actionable feedback. In order tobemost effective, performance feedback should focus on those proven components that research, especially meta-analysis, suggests have the biggest impact on achievement. The Canyons Teacher Effectiveness Support System (CTESS) aims to provide (1) actionable feedback on those evidence-based strategies that are most likely to positively impact student achievement and (2) the supports teachers need to implement them.
“The evaluation process should have teacher development as the primary goal, not just assigning a number on a rubric. It is the epitome of poor teaching methods to give a score without discussion.” –Cincinnati Public Schools Teacher, from The Widget Effect, TNTP
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