BHS Social Studies

VOCABULARY ● Lynching ● Poll Tax

● Integration ● De Facto Segregation ● De Jure Segregation ● Black Power

● Grandfather Clause ● Segregation

LEARNING INTENTIONS ● Learning Intention #1:

○ Students will use case studies involving African-American civil rights leaders and events to compare the effectiveness of various methods used to achieve reform, such as civil disobedience, legal strategies, and political organizing. ● Learning Intention #2: ○ Students will use case studies involving African-American civil rights leaders and events to contrast the effectiveness of various methods used to achieve reform, such as civil disobedience, legal strategies, and political organizing. ● Learning Intention #3: ○ Students will use case studies involving African-American civil rights leaders and events to evaluate the effectiveness of various methods used to achieve reform, such as civil disobedience, legal strategies, and political organizing. ■ U.S. II Standard 4.3: Students will identify civil rights objectives held by various groups, assess the strategies used, and evaluate the success of the various civil rights movements in reaching their objectives, paying speci fi c attention to American Indian, women, and other racial and ethnic minorities. ○ Learning Intention #1: ■ Students will identify civil rights objectives held by various groups. ○ Learning Intention #2: ■ Students will assess the strategies used by various civil rights groups paying speci fi c attention to American Indian, women, and other racial and ethnic minorities. ○ Learning Intention #3: ■ Students will evaluate the success of the strategies used by various civil rights movements. STRAND # 4 Standard 4.3 PACING RESOURCES ● 2nd/3rd Quarter: (One week) ● 2nd Trimester: (2/3 days) ● Women in the 1950s

● Native American Rights ● Mexican American Rights ● Equal Rights Amendment

STANDARD ● U.S. II Standard 4.3: Students will identify civil rights objectives held by various groups, assess the strategies used, and evaluate the success of the various civil rights movements in

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