BHS ELA Instructional Guide

6. Produce a summary of the texts. a. Objective in tone.

b. Identifes the main theme/main idea. c. Cites specifc details using textual evidence. d. Analyzes the details for their development and/or how the details impact the central idea/theme. 7. Produce a synthesis of multiple texts. a. Objective in tone. b. Identifes the overarching main idea connecting the texts. c. Cites specifc details using textual evidence. d. Analyze the details for their development and how they shape/refne the main ideas or themes. e. Make connections between/among texts, explaining how each text contributes to the main idea/theme. Academic Language diverse, theme, analyze, develop, objective summary, objective synthesis, textual evidence, main ideas, supporting ideas Strategies to Support Teaching the Standard ● Example object summary frames for various types of summaries: ○ Description: A ___ is a kind of ___ that … ○ Sequence: “___ begins with ... continues with … and ends with … ○ Compare and contrast: ___ and ___ are similar, because they both… ; but are different because … while … ○ Cause and effect: ___ happens, because … ○ Problem and solution: ___ wanted … but … and so … ● Mini-Moves for Writers Video - Learn How to Write a Quick, Advanced Summary with the Pivot Synopsis Question Stems and Prompts for Assessment ● What are the themes or central ideas? ● Cite textual evidence of the key details that reveals the development of the theme(s)/central idea(s) of the text.

● How does this sentence (cite sentence) affect the theme of the passage? ● How does the author develop the theme of ____ throughout the text? ● How do the key details of the text shape and refne the theme(s) of the text?

● How do the key details relate to other texts? ● How can you objectively summarize the texts? ● How can you objectively synthesize all of the texts? Additional Supports / Professional Resources


Last Updated August 13, 2024

High School ELA, Page 231

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