BHS ELA Instructional Guide

2. Write Extensively


Write daily in a variety of formats and for a variety of purposes.

To build consistency in students' writing, increase writing fuency, and expose students to a variety of purposes and audiences.



Tips for Using Daily Writing Prompts from Write the World

Best Practices

Critical Components

Journals - Composition Notebook 1. Part of the daily classroom routine 2. Generative writing is the focus 3. Gradual release - be explicit at frst with structure 4. Multiple ways to use the journal: starter, free writes, notes, prewriting, drafting, revision, interactive 5. Add in scaffolding for SPED and ML to lighten the writing load for students who need the support, but still maintain value in the notebook 6. Use to help students refect on their learning and writing 7. Ungraded or minimal grading

Focus on consistency instead of intensity Engage real world writing for a variety of purposes

Students write more than can be read, or graded


Last Updated August 13, 2024

High School ELA, Page 10

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