BHS ELA Instructional Guide

1. Create and Maintain a Supportive Writing Environment

Foster a dynamic writing environment that sustains a positive writing culture and empowers students as writers. Students need a supportive writing environment in order to take risks and improve as writers.




Best Practices

Critical Components

● Focus on amplifying the effective moves. ● Re-establish student writing identity and momentum. Begin to see themselves as writers again. (Gallagher) ● Honor student voice in writing. ● Accentuate the positive. Eliminate the negative. ● Collaborate in writing with students ● Allow students to see your writing process in all variations versus only the best draft ● Use think-alouds with students while writing so they can your decision-making process ● Stop frequently and make explicit the choices writers make to create an effect for an intended audience. ● Focus on how diction, tone, and punctuation can change meaning. ● Ask the following: What am I trying to say? Have I said it?

Create and maintain an asset-based approach to student writing.

Write alongside students and allow yourself to be vulnerable in modeling the writing process and decisions writers make.

Approach writing as problem-solving.


Last Updated August 13, 2024

High School ELA, Page 9

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