BHS Dance Resource Guide
improvement of their dance performance. ● I can receive and utilize peer feedback to improve my own dance performance.
Example of Learning Progression
1. Explore the concept of peer feedback and its purpose in improving skills and performances. 2. Discuss and articulate the value of constructive criticism and its role in personal growth. 3. Develop active listening and observational skills by observing details in others' work, paying attention to specific aspects such as technique, expression, or timing in a dance. 4. Learn a structure for delivering specific and actionable feedback that notes and includes both strengths and areas of growth. 5. Perform for peers and practice giving and receiving specific, actionable peer feedback in a supportive environment. 6. Reflect on the feedback received and incorporate it into their own improvement process. 7. Continue to refine your feedback skills as you actively participate in collaborative, ongoing peer feedback sessions. WISR CONNECTIONS:
Writing, Speaking, Listening, Reading, Viewing
● Applying Dance Terminology ● Recording and
● Recording and Documentation
● Appropriately utilize dance terminology and systems of recording. ● Articulate, justify, and document movement choices. ● Revise work based on artistic criteria, self-reflection, and feedback.
● Reflection ● Feedback ● Revision ● Response
Documentation Systems
● Self-Reflection and Feedback ● Revision of Work ● Articulating Response
Shannon Dooling Dances: How to Give Dance Students More Effective Feedback Brighton High School Dance: Feedback Structure
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