BHS Dance Resource Guide

Healthy Practices in Dance Beginning/Introductory Dance Course


● 7–8.D.P.4: Evaluate personal healthful practices in dance activities and everyday life, including nutrition and injury prevention. ● 7–8.D.P.7: Articulate personal performance goals, practice to reach goals, and document personal improvement over time.


● L1.D.P.4: Develop a plan for healthful practices in dance activities and everyday life including nutrition and injury prevention; discuss implementation of the plan and how it supports personal performance goals. ● L1.D.P.7: Articulate personal performance goals, practice to reach goals, and document personal improvement over time.


Develop, document, articulate, and work toward personal plans and performance goals related to dance ability, healthful practices, and/or injury prevention.

Example of Learning Intention and Success Criteria

Learning Intention: I am learning to develop, document, articulate, healthy dance-related goals so I can set and work toward both personal and performance goals. Success Criteria: I’ll know I have it when, ● I can articulate and evaluate what healthful practices, including nutrition and injury prevention, look like in dance activities and everyday life. ● I can set SMART goals related to dance ability, healthful practices, and/or injury prevention. ● I can plan, work on, and document personal progress towards long term and short term goals.

Example of Learning Progression

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