BHS Dance Resource Guide

Recording, Reflecting, Revising, & Responding Beginning/Introductory Dance Course


● 7–8.D.CR.3: Use accurate dance terminology to articulate and justify movement choices. ● 7–8.D.CR.7: Experiment with aspects of a recognized system to document a section of a dance by using words, symbols, and/or media technologies. ● 7–8.D.CR.6: Revise choreography collaboratively or independently based on artistic criteria, self-reflection, and the feedback of others; justify choices and revisions.


● L1.D.CR.3: Use the elements of dance and other dance terminology to articulate and justify movement choices. ● L1.D.CR.5: Revise choreography collaboratively or independently based on artistic criteria, self-reflection, and the feedback of others. ● L1.D.CR.6: Analyze and evaluate impact of choices made in the revision process. ● L1.D.CR.7: Use recognized systems to document a section of a dance via writing, symbols, or media technologies.


Appropriately utilize dance terminology and systems of recording. Articulate, justify, and document movement choices. Revise work based on artistic criteria, self-reflection, and feedback.

Example of Learning Intention and Success Criteria

Learning Intention: I am learning to give, receive, and reflect upon peer feedback so I can revise and improve my dance performance. Success Criteria: I will know I have it when, ● I can use active listening and observational skills to watch a peer’s dance. ● I can provide peers both positive and constructive feedback using a structure that leads to

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