7th Grade Science Guide

7.4: Reproduction & Inheritance 3 Dimensions & Progressions

Unit 5

CSD Storyline Phenomena: Funky Squash




● I can explain how different types of

● Students will be

● Lesson Plan

introduced to trait inheritance by observing

reproduction can affect genetic variation.

hybrid squash and construct their own

explanations. On a large sheet of paper or on small whiteboards, partner groups will construct their own explanations and draw a model as to why the squash look this way.

Activity: M & M Reproduction Simulation




● I can model the effects of sexual and asexual reproduction on genetics.

● Students will simulate a population of organisms that are either

● Lab sheet ● M&Ms

representative of an asexually or sexually

reproducing population move through a series of environmental factors. These factors will then allow students to witness and record the pros and cons that of each type of reproduction has on the organisms survival.

Activity: Virtual Lab




● Explain the difference between asexual and sexual reproduction.

● Students will explore various species to

● Sexual vs. Asexual Reproduction

discover that all species reproduce. Students will determine how several

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