7th Grade Science Guide
7.4: Reproduction & Inheritance 3 Dimensions & Progressions
Unit 5
different species reproduce. ● Quiz: Students should go to the Learn Genetics link and take a quick sexual vs. asexual organism quiz
Activity: Asexual vs. Sexual Informational Text
● I can explain the
● Students read about the differences between sexual and asexual
● asexual vs. sexual reproduction informational text ● Summary Protocol
difference between asexual and sexual reproduction.
reproduction by annotating and summarizing an informational text.
Activity: Gizmos - Inheritance
● The Inheritance Gizmo allows students to investigate several modes of inheritance in an alien life form. Three types of traits are explored: acquired traits, codominant traits, and dominant/recessive traits.
● Gizmo
● I can observe that offspring resemble their parents and Compare the results of sexual and asexual reproduction.
Activity: Investigating Reproductive Strategies
● I can explain that there are both advantages and disadvantages to both sexual and asexual reproduction.
● Students work in pairs to compare fve aspects of an organism that reproduces sexually with
● Lesson Plan
one that reproduces asexually. As a class, students share their comparisons and
generate a list of general characteristics for each mode of reproduction,
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