Middle School English Language Arts Instructional Guide

Sample Formative Assessments

Perspective Analysis Chart:

● Activity: Students read multiple texts by the same author and fll out a chart explaining how the author's perspective infuences the narrator's or speaker's point of view in each text. They must provide textual evidence to support their explanations. ● Objective: To assess students' ability to identify and explain the infuence of an author's perspective on the narrator's or speaker's point of view.

Comparative Perspective Response:

● Activity: Students write a short-answer response analyzing how an author distinguishes their perspective from others in an informational text. They must cite specifc passages and explain how the author's language, tone, or argumentation differentiates their position.

● Objective: To assess students' ability to analyze and distinguish an author's perspective from those of others.

Last Updated May 30th, 2024 Middle School ELA, Page 103

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