2nd grade Instructional Guide

Teacher Talk Moves to support the 5E Model

Engage: Learner has a need to know, therefore, defnes questions, issues or problems that relate to his/her world. Learner Teacher Teacher Talk Moves Calls upon prior knowledge Poses problems ● What experiences have you had with ____ in the past? ● Where have you seen ____ used in the past? ● What do you already know about this?

● What questions do you have about _____? ● What do you need to know more about to understand ______? ● How does that connect with our investigation question? ● What do you want to know more about in regards to ___?

Identifes problems to solve, decisions to be made, confict to be resolved Ask questions, defne problems

Ask questions


Explore: Learner gathers, organizes, interprets, analyzes, and evaluates data. Learner Teacher Teacher Talk Moves Hypothesizes and Predicts Shows students how tousenew tools ● Given your thinking so far, what do you predict will happen during our investigation? ● What do you predict the outcome of our investigation will be? Design and carry out investigations with care Help design and carry out skills of ● What data do you need to collect in order to check your prediction? ● What processes are you using to take careful and accurate measurement? ● What could you change about your data collection to be more scientifc? ● How are you going to record your data? ● What patterns are you seeing in the data you collected? ● How do the patterns in your data help you to answer the investigation question? Explain and Clarify: Learner clarifes understandings discovered, reaches conclusions or generalizations and communicates in varying modes and forms. Learner Teacher Teacher Talk Moves recording, document, and drawing conclusions Help students form tentative explanations Analyze data and draw conclusions

● What claims can you make based on the data you have so far? ● Is there a different claim that explains the data better? ● How does (idea A) compare to (idea B)? Which is better supported by our overall data? ● The pattern you identifed is called _____ by scientists. ● Your claim describes what scientists call _____.

Refocus on the Guiding Question or Inquiry

Making a claim

Tie new concepts to questions

Introduce Scientifc Terminology

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