Special Education K-5 ELA and Supplemental Guide

Behavioral Instructional Priorities: TIER 3 Implementation Guide

Function: Attention, Escape

INDIVIDUAL LEVEL SYSTEM (MUST COMBINE WITH: Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) such as token economy, group contingency, high rates of positive reinforcement, positive adult relationships …)

Fidelity Check: ❏ Level System is tied to your 3-5 observable and measurable rules ❏ At least 3 levels ideally no more than 5. It must be easy to get off of level 1. Each level should have graduating steps to support behavior strengthening. ❏ Criteria for Moving Up is clearly defined and visible to student ❏ Criteria for Moving Down is clearly defined and visible to student ❏ Criteria for Staying Put is clearly defined and visible to student ❏ Specific privileges and rewards are identified for each level ❏ There should be frequent feedback given to the student ❏ The level system should not be punitive

Source: https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ801236.pdf

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