Special Education K-5 ELA and Supplemental Guide
Behavioral Instructional Priorities Implementation Guide
Link to Tier 3 - Instructional Guide document
SELF MONITORING An explicitly taught skill to help student be aware of and monitor their own behavior. Students are taught the expectations, system of self monitoring and are reinforced for appropriate behavior AND accurate self-reflections
● Before moving to Tier 3 self monitoring strategies, make sure Tier 1 and 2 strategies are being used consistently and use the same steps found in Tier 2 to implement a self-monitoring intervention Things to Consider:
Implementation Guidelines
Identify the target behavior. Make sure it is observable and measurable.
Function Types
Example Behaviors to Target
Increasing Positive Peer Attention ●
● ●
Collect baseline data
Working with partners appropriately
Teach targeted behavior
Having positive interaction during free time/down time Decrease peer conversations during academic time Decrease aggressive behavior towards peers
From Peers
Determine which self monitoring procedure will be used. Teach self monitoring procedure Provide positive feedback and celebrate progress Fade interventions student masters the targeted behavior Monitor progress
Decreasing Inappropriate Peer Attention ●
● ●
Increasing Positive Adult Attention ● Raising hand to talk ● Asking for appropriate breaks Decreasing Negative Adult Attention ● Decreasing shout-outs ● Increasing Academic Engagement ● Focused on task ● Finished assignments ● Following directions the 1st time ●
From Adults
Decrease prompts needed to complete work
Completing work with less than 2 prompts
Academi c Task
Asked for help appropriately
Decreasing Academic Avoidance ●
Asked for break appropriately
Decreased disruptions (talk outs, aggression) during academic time
Increasing Time in Class ●
Time in classroom Time in assigned area
● ●
Appropriately using a safe space outside of class
Decreasing Time Outside of Class ●
Decrease needed breaks outside of classroom
Fidelity Check: ❏
Students have individual self monitoring goals attached to the function of their behavior ❏ Student can identify goal, method, and reinforcement for self monitoring and for appropriate behavior ❏ Adults are checking student self monitoring as frequently as listed in plan.
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