Special Education K-5 ELA and Supplemental Guide

Behavioral Instructional Priorities TIER 2 Implementation Guide

Function: Attention

CHECK IN/CHECK OUT (CICO) Check In/Check Out (CICO), also known as the Behavior Education Program, is a Tier 2 intervention designed to support students to increase their prosocial behavior and decrease problematic behaviors in school by daily connection with a caring, supportive adult.

Check In/Check Out Procedures

Implementation Components: ●

Implementation Example: Han Solo, a student in 6th grade gets along with his teachers, but repeatedly talks out and interrupts class. After consulting with the Student Support Team (SST), the student is placed on CICO and assigned to check in with Mrs. Warm, the administrative assistant in the counselor's office. She has been trained on the CICO process and gets along well with all students and staff. After a month on CICO, Han’s data was reviewed by SST. After an initial adjustment period, Han’s ratings on his DPR showed his behavior had improved significantly. It was decided to fade CICO out to where he only checked in once a week for the next month, and then he would “graduate” if his behavior improvement continued.

Identify students who could potentially benefit Students most likely to benefit unresponsive to Tier I practices ○ Respond well to adult attention ○ Do not require immediate Find a person (or persons) to run the process that are skilled at building positive relationships with students Verbal feedback is given to a student in addition to the rating on the form Do a periodic data review (4-6 weeks) to determine how CICO is going and whether it should continue, be faded out, or if a different intervention is appropriate. ○ Have been individualized interventions

Fidelity Check: ❏

Student/Teacher Interview: Does the student know the routine in the morning (choice at door, option to pass, etc)? Can student answer affirmatively predetermined questions about teacher’s care and interest in them? Can teacher answer a set of predetermined questions about the student’s life/preferences/habits/needs? If utilizing 2x10 strategy where are data stored and is the 2x10 finished at 10 days? (At the end of 10 days, notice instances of overall classroom/student behavior, is there a change?) Outside Observer: Does the teacher consistently run this routine each morning? How do start of day routines run once students have been greeted at the door?

Edutopia, https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1098300717753831a , https://www.ascd.org/el/articles/the-two-minute-relationship-builder

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