Special Education K-5 ELA and Supplemental Guide
Behavioral Instructional Priorities TIER 2 Implementation Guide
Function: Attention
HIGH RATIO OF POSITIVE:CORRECTIVE FEEDBACK The rule of thumb in Tier 1 would be to provide 4 positives for every 1 corrective prompt or response in the classroom. As an intervention, high ratio of positive:corrective feedback should involve consistent and predictable feedback that is intentional and measurable should the student require Tier 2 or higher supports. Reinforcement Delivery (IFEED-AV): 1. Immediate within 10 seconds of behavior 2. Frequent each time if possible 3. Enthusiasm Think: genuine, sincere, pleasant, excited 4. Eye-Contact They should know you’re speaking directly to them 5. Descriptive There should be no mistaking what you’re reinforcing 6. Anticipation (build it!) - Use of mystery motivator, group contingencies, etc 7. Varied Avoid a single phrase ‘good job’ or the same reinforcer; mix it up! Implementation Steps: ● Identify a way to consistently measure your rate (motivaider,
timer, visual) some way to support the habit
Structuring enough OTRs in your lesson to make sure you can provide frequent enough feedback IFEED-AV should apply to your 4:1 rate Measurement is frequent enough that a consistent average of teacher implementation can be calculated
Positive/Corrective Ratios as an intervention is: Intentional feedback provided utilizing IFEED-AV tied to classroom rules and expectations, the feedback cycle, and measured regularly enough that a teacher knows what they’re ratio average is for their classroom. Positive/Corrective Ratios as an intervention is not: Using high rates of positive praise that are estimated. Using praise that sounds like “good job” or other generic terms without descriptions and references to classroom rules and expectations. ● Masking tape on badge with tallies, +/- catch as many as you can to keep a rough ratio of a 10 min block of time ● Ask your instructional coach or a specialist to come do a Basic 5 (or similar) observation ● Record yourself during an instructional block and watch it back to tally your own ratio Methods of Data Collection: ● From CHAMPS - Monitoring forms from Chapter 6
Fidelity Check: ❏
Outside Observer: Consistent average of at least 4:1 when measured by OTRs and the feedback cycle (if a para or aide is providing this, a teacher may need to supplement with observing in the same way the instructional coach would observe this data on a teacher/case manager ❏ Student Interview: If a student was asked what they’re classroom expectations are would they be able to tell you? And would they be able to tell you how they know? (e.g., name rules and describe reinforcement of class)
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