Social Studies HS Guide

STRAND 2: Population Distribution and Migration




● See Geography Year at aGlance ● Work together as a

PLC to determine individual standard pacing.


Students will explain push and pull factors causing voluntary and involuntary migration and the consequences created by the movement of people. CONCEPTS (Nouns) SKILLS (Verbs) LANGUAGE SUPPORTS

● Push factors ● Pull factors

● Explain

● Explain ● Best Practices for MLs in Secondary Content Area Classes

● Voluntary migration ● Involuntary migration ● Movement of people


● Identify push and pull factors ● Explain how push and pull factors can cause voluntary and involuntary migration. ○ Examples of voluntary migration may include: ■ Economic opportunities ■ Education ■ Lifestyle ■ Family reunifcation ○ Examples of involuntary migration may include: ■ Confict ■ Natural disasters ■ Persecution ■ Economic instability ● Identify and explain the consequences created by the movement of people based on push and pull factors and voluntary and involuntary migration.

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