Small Group Manual 2019-2020
Fluency: Chunking at the Phrase Level
SpellingRoutine forNon-PhoneticWords
(adapted fromNeuhaus)
Create passages with slashes between two to five word phrases (e.g., “The little cat / was running / down the street.”) Double slashes can be used between sentences. Choose in appropriate instructional level The teacher models fluent reading of the passage to the group. Students take turns practicing by reading the phrases in chunks to each other in pairs.
1. Teacher pronounces word 2. Student repeats the word 3. Student spells the word aloud 4. Student writes, naming letters as he/she forms the letter pattern(s) 5. Student reads the word back to check
Fluency: Echo Reading
1. Have students turn to the first page of the text and put their finger on the beginning of the first sentence.
2. Read a section of the text aloud as students track the print. 3. Then have students track the print and read the text aloud, matching your pace, phrasing, intonation, or expression. 4. Continue the process with several more sections of the text. 1. Tell students to track the print of the selection and read with you. 2. Remind students to use the same pace, phrasing, intonation, or expression as you do. 3. Organize students into mixed-ability groups, and assign a section of the text to each group. 4. Read the selection aloud, having students read their assigned parts along with you. Be sure students track the print as they read. Fluency: Choral Reading
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