Small Group Manual 2019-2020
Story Share Routine During story share students utilize strategic partnering to practice reading for the purpose of practice to become fluent. There is preparation needed to teach the routines of paired reading and story sharing with students. Those steps involve teaching students to interact with each other and management routines . Using the story share routine, students learn to summarize text. Summarization has a high effect size (es .79) . Teaching students to recall, recount, retell, paragraph shrink in order to summarize is useful in academic speaking and writing. Story Share Routine Task Looks Like Prepare for Story Share Routine Students are sitting in precision partner pairs and have materials ready. Materials include: text to be read, point card (optional) anchor cards (see links above) Partner Reading (10 minutes) • First readers read quickly and correctly. • Second readers listen and give points and fix mistakes.
Retell • 2 minutes: Reader 1 • 2 minutes: reader 2
• First reader asks what happened, • Second Reader retells what happened (or main idea and details in expository text) Expository Narrative
• What was the text about? • What is one thing I learned? • What else did I learn?
• Who are the characters? • Where did the story happen?
• What happened first? • What happened next? • What happened last?
Paragraph Shrink 5 minutes
First reader begins reading where the second reader stopped during the partner read. Second reader asks the paragraph shrinking questions
Prediction Relay (optional 2-5 minutes)
• First readers make predictions, read, and check the predictions. • Second Readers ask the prediction relay questions and listen carefully.
Correction Procedures On-going during the story sharing routine
Coaching for getting and giving help. Tell, ask, start again .
Tell, Ask, Start Again Routine 1. Tell: “That words is ___________. 2. Ask: “What word?” 3. Start Again: “Start the sentence again.”
Clean- up 2 minutes
Put materials away
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