Small Group Manual 2019-2020
RtI Kit Lesson 1 Routine
Instructional Routine
Mini Lesson #:
Phonemic Awareness Teacher’s Guide
**Phonemic Awareness
3-5 min
Provide the learning objective for the day and refer to it throughout the lesson. (e.g. Today, we will be learning the letter _____ (and reading and writing it in words.)”—if on word chain #4 or beyond 1. Write the capital and lowercase of the letter on a whiteboard. 2. Then say, “The name for these letters is _____ .” Point to (the capital case of the letter. “The name of this letter is capital M. What is the name of this letter?” 3. Repeat with lowercase letter. 4. Tell students that ____ is a consonant/vowel. 1. Introduce the related sound-spelling card. “This is a picture of a _____. The sound at the beginning of the word is _____. What sound is at the beginning?” 2. Provide other examples of pictures that start with the letter sound. • Using the Elkonin box template and the word list from T-7, T-8, or T-9, have students identify where they hear the targeted letter sound—beginning, middle, or end. Vary the locations of the sound using the word list. • • • •
*Phonics Target
1 min
*Introduce the New Letter
1 min
Letter Picture Cards
*Connecting the Sound to the Spelling
2 min
Elkonin Box Template Sound Discs
*Sound Practice
2 min
Using letter cards and picture cards, review the sounds and letters students have learned so far. •
Letter Picture Cards
1-2 min
Model writing the letter and have students practice writing them. (This is an opportunity to model/practice correct letter formation. Make sure to provide grade-appropriate lined paper to assist in correct formation.) • • ^Start once students are on Word List 4—they now have enough letters and a vowel to begin building words. 1. Use the appropriate word chain list—word chains are available on the wiki on the CSD Decodable Database page at the top. A word chain requires the addition, deletion or change of one letter without switching the order of the letters to create a new word. 2. If using whiteboards, encourage students to only erase letters when necessary—so if they are changing the word from mat to sat, they only need to erase the m and add an s not the whole word. If using letter tiles, provide only the necessary tiles. 3. Have students blend and read the words created each time. • 1. Use the Decodable Text Routine (see routines section) with an appropriate decodable text for the letters mastered/introduced so far. Sample texts can be found on the CSD Decodable Database under Lesson 1. •
Lined Paper
*Model/ Practice Writing the Letter
3 min
Word Chain List
*Spelling Dictation with Word Chains
4-5 min
Decodable Text aligned to lesson
5-10 min
*Decodable Text
*Phonemic Awareness (found in RS RtI Kit Phonemic Awareness) *Required Every Lesson
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