Small Group Manual 2019-2020
Decodable Text Instructional Routine
Purpose: Decodable text is used for demonstrate application of a previously taught targeted phonics skill(s) using connected text. This is essential to practice decodable text regularly in order to build fluency and mastery of phonics skills. CSD decodable data base & Resources found here. Basic Guidelines: 1. In preparation for reading the decodable reader the teacher previews the text by summarizing the main events or information in the text for students. 2. The first reading of the decodable text should be guided by the teacher to ensure accurate reading of the text. 3. Students should finger-point and read aloud while reading decodable text
4. All errors are corrected using immediate error correction routine 5. Students are supported in developing fluent reading of the text
Error Correction Routine 1. Intervene when an effort is heard—Correct even the little words such as “a” and “the” to develop accurate reading skills 2. Provide Error Correction Support: Give the student the correct word, say:
My turn, “That words is ___________. “What word?” “Go back and read the sentence again.”
“Try that word again” If the student is accurate say: “Read the sentence” If the student is inaccurate say: “That word is ___. “What word?” “Go back and read the sentence again.”
In order to support student’s self-correcting, say:
1. Using the word bank, on the front cover of the decodable, and sound spelling card, review the targeted phonics skill. Select 5-7 words and write them while students blend/read the words. 2. Write the high frequency words on index cards. Hold up each card, tell them the word and have students repeat the word. Then, mix up the cards and have students chorally read the words. 3. Next, have students chorally read each line of the word bank. Repeat if needed to build automaticity. 1. Read the title aloud. 2. Preview and summarize the main events and information “Today we are going to read about. . . 3. Chorally read the text. (if students need more scaffolding begin with echo reading and move to choral reading) On-Level or Above Level: Have all students chorally reread the text with a partner. Reader 1 begins reading alternating sentences/pages with Reader 2. On the third read, have Reader 2 start the reading. Below Level: For the second read, have the students echo read the text. The teacher will read a sentence with good expression and intonation and students will echo what the teacher has read. Make sure students are tracking what they are reading with their finger. For the third read, have each student (choral read together if necessary) individually whisper read 3-5 lines of the text at a time. When they finish reading the assigned lines, have them place their finger where they stopped.
Second/Third Read
1. Teacher models retelling the story or identifying a main idea and details. 2. Then, have students practice retelling. 3. Ask 1 or 2 basic comprehension questions
Sample Expository
Sample Narrative
• What was the text about? • What is one thing I learned? • What else did I learn?
Who are the characters? Where did the story happen? What happened first? What happened next? What happened last?
• • • • •
Comprehension Check
Check Have students work in partners to do a fluency check. Reader 1 will start at the beginning of the text and read for 60 seconds. While Reader 1 reads, Reader 2 keeps track of any errors Reader 1 makes and helps to keep track of how far Reader 1 got in 60 seconds. Record their rate and errors on a fluency graph. Switch roles.
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