Small Group Manual 2019-2020
Day 3: Phonics Application Lesson Grades 1-5
Instruction Plan
Instructional Routine
Mini Lesson #:
Phonemic Awareness Teacher’s Guide
Phonemic Awareness
3-5 min
Provide the learning objective for the day and refer to it throughout the lesson. (e.g. “Today, we will be rereading our story and writing about it.”)
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Phonics Skill Review
1-2 min
Review the previous day’s skill.
1. Chorally read.* 2. Chorally read again to increase smoothness and rate. Record time. 3. Have students take turns reading the phrases and sentences aloud.* 4. Chorally read again and see if they can beat their time and increase their smoothness. *use error correction routine • • Have students read the “Connected Text Fluency” section on the Student Sheet. •
Student Sheet
Phrase and Sentence Fluency
4-5 min
Student Sheet
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Student Graphing Sheet
Error Correction Routine: “My turn, that word is…” “What word?” “Go back and read again.”
Connected Text Fluency
5-10 min
Reread again for fluency with accuracy. Time the 3 rd read using the partner reading routine* and have students graph their rate. Practice a previously taught comprehension skill and teacher provides question stems*. Models. Teacher records group’s thinking onto a graphic organizer.
Teacher Selected Graphic Organizer (e.g. Story Map, Venn Diagram, etc.) Question Stems*
2-8 min
Comprehension Check
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With support from a sentence or paragraph frame, have students write a summary sentence (or more) about what the comprehension skill targeted (e.g. sequencing, inferencing, etc.) or the main idea of the text.
Paper Pencil
Summary Sentence(s)
3-5 min
Sentence Frames*
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