Small Group Manual 2019-2020
1st Grade RtI Kit Extended Lesson Plan Phonemic Awareness and Phonics Day 1
Instructional Plan
Phonemic Awareness: 3-5 min Phonics Lesson: 5-8 min
Mini Lesson:
Phonemic Awareness Teacher’s Guide
Mini Lesson:
Phonics and Decoding Teacher’s Guide Whiteboard and marker
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Use Routine Card #7: Spelling Dictation
Words listed in Mini-Lesson Whiteboards and markers for each student or paper/pencil Words listed in Mini-Lesson Whiteboards and markers for each student or paper/pencil
Spelling Dictation:
5 -7 min
Use words from previous day’s phonics lesson or word bank of decodable reader as review/warm-up Use Routine Card #7: Spelling Dictation Student reads decodable reader:
Spelling Dictation: 2-3 min
Decodable aligned with phonics skill currently targeting. Decodables may be from the Reading Street Database or CSD Decodable Collection. Use same text as above RtI Kit Student Booklet/Fluency Graph Fluency Rubric Pencil
Decodable Reader: 5-7 min
Reread text to build fluency. Work on automaticity, rate and prosody. Graph fluency on student booklet
Reread for Fluency: 3-5 min
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