Small Group Manual 2019-2020
Targeting Reading Skill for Intervention Poor readers typically struggle with phonological awareness and phonemic awareness. A Phonological Awareness (PA) diagnostic may need to be administered to these students to determine which specific phonological skills they are struggling with. Note that phonological skills can be taught and repaired with small amounts of instruction for the vast majority of poor readers. Refer to the Simple View of Reading (Gough & Tunmer, 1986) and the Hourglass figure (Tolman, 2011) to guide selection of literacy skills to target in skill-based reading instruction. What follows are some general guidelines for early literacy students who are below benchmark:
§ Kindergarten students below Winter FSF benchmark: administer PA diagnostic at word and syllable level; focus on phonological awareness § Kindergarten students below Winter PSF benchmark: administer PA diagnostic at word and syllable level; focus on first sound fluency § Kindergarten students below Winter NWF benchmark: administer PA diagnostic at word and syllable level; focus on phoneme segmentation § First grade students below Fall PSF benchmark: administer PA diagnostic; check first sound fluency; focus on phonemic awareness and alphabetic principle (1:1 correspondence) § First grade students below Fall CLS benchmark: administer the PA diagnostic; check phoneme segmentation; focus on phonemic awareness and alphabetic principle § Second grade students below Fall NWF benchmark: check phonemic segmentation fluency; administer PA diagnostic if needed; focus on alphabetic principle (blending CVC words) § Second or third grade students below Composite benchmark: check reading subskills including blending and fluency at the sound, word, phrase, and connected text level; focus on skill mastery and automaticity of skills applied to connected text that leads to comprehension § Second or third grade students below Retell or Daze benchmark: provide ongoing opportunities within Core reading instruction using close reading to master the standard addressing summarizing at the beginning, middle, and end of text § Fourth or fifth grade students below Reading Inventory benchmark: check reading subskills using Acadience assessments, phonics screeners, and PA diagnostic It is important to remember that even when targeting a specific reading skill for skills-based instruction, these students still need exposure to connected text.
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