Small Group Manual 2019-2020
Part II
Instructional Plan
ELD Purpose of Instruction
ELD Resources
ELD Scaffolds/ Supports Examples of known words that start with or include the target letter Pictures / Picture cards of words that start with or include the target letter Manipulatives (e.g. magnetic letters, letter tiles) Elkonin boxes White boards & markers
Read, write, say, spell words previously taught in PA and Phonics section Read, write, say, spell words from decodable or main selection
Review: read and blend targeted words
Use word bank from decodable reader or
Decodable Reader Word Bank or Main selection
*ELL Small Group Support Phonics and Spelling **ELL Handbook: Weekly Support Routine Cards Phonics Transition Lesson
main selection as review/warm-up
quick reread of words
2 min
Sound Spelling Cards
Increase reading fluency
ELL Poster
Modeled Reading of Text
Model the reading excerpt from the Decodable Reader Or Main Selection
Decodable Reader Or Main Selection
Frontload content and vocabulary
Retelling Cards
*ELL Small Group Support
Listening Comprehension Reading Comprehension (Fluency) **ELL Handbook: Weekly Support Picture It! Multilingual Summary Poster Talk ***ELL / ELD Reader
Reteach content and vocabulary
Actions / gestures
5 min
Increase reading fluency
Choral or Paired Read
Students read decodable or main selection Group Reading Strategies Tell, Ask, Start Again strategy Reread text using the Tell, Ask, Start Again strategy. Build fluency with rate, accuracy and expression. Evaluate on last read using the fluency expression rubric.
Decodable Reader Or Main Selection
PALS routine
Frontload content and vocabulary
ELL Poster
Reteach content and vocabulary
Cloze Strategy
5 min
PALS Bookmark
Use same text excerpt Timer Fluency Expression Rubric Tell, Ask, Start Again Strategy
Increase reading fluency
*ELL Small Group Support
Academic Response Frames
Repeated Read
Listening Comprehension Reading Comprehension (Fluency) Conventions **ELL Handbook: Weekly Support Picture It! Multilingual Summary Poster Talk Grammar Transition Lesson ***ELL / ELD Reader
Frontload content and vocabulary
3 min
ELL Poster
Reteach content and vocabulary
English form and function
* ELL Small Group Support (yellow pages) - Found online at in the ‘Teacher Resources’ for each week. ** ELL Handbook: Weekly Support**: Weekly Support – Found online at in the ‘Teacher Resources’ for each week. *** ELL/ELD Readers: Each week’s title can be found online at under ‘Tools’ à ‘Printable PDFs’ à ELL/ELD Note: ELL/ELD Reader Teacher Guide can be found online for each week (under Day 5). ‘Leveled eReaders à Teacher Resources ©Canyons School District
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