Small Group Manual 2019-2020
Canyons School District Tier 2 Reading Intervention Guide
Universal Screening Systematic screening can be used to proactively identify students who may be in need of additional reading instruction supports. At the elementary level, CSD universally screens all students in kindergarten through grade 5 three times per year (Fall, Winter, Spring) using either Acadience Reading (Kindergarten to third grade) or Reading Inventory (grades 4 and 5). It is important to note that these assessment tools are not designed to be diagnostic, rather they aim to ensure that all students are considered for reading risk and promote the early identification of students who are at- risk for poor reading outcomes who would potentially benefit from specific intervention. Screening also results in school-wide data that can be used to inform school staff about the needs of their particular student population in order to assist with planning and resource allocation. Important Considerations One of the foundational principles of a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) model is that when a large number of students are exhibiting similar challenges, the problem-solving process ought to focus initially on Tier 1, classroom instruction, as a priority before identifying students as needing additional supplemental or intensive services, which require considerably more resources. Problem solving necessitates considering the possibility that a broader application of additional reading supports may be warranted, such as integrating supplemental reading instruction strategies into core reading instruction for all students in the classroom. Additionally, it is important for schools to develop a strategy for prioritizing students for supplemental or intensive interventions according to their level of need, as well as a procedure for considering students who transfer into the school between screening benchmarking periods. Some Tier 1 considerations include: ž Is the student receiving ongoing effective core (Tier 1) literacy instruction? ž Is the student receiving a minimum of 120 minutes of core literacy instruction per day? ž Is core literacy instruction limited to District-approved curriculum materials? ž Is core literacy instruction pacing aligned with the scope and sequence and the pacing outlined in the District curriculum map? ž Is core literacy instruction routinely being implemented with fidelity? ž Are there critical instructional components that are missing or not effectively implemented during core literacy instruction that need to be addressed prior to planning for additional Tier 2 reading interventions? ž Is there a large number of students with similar learning needs that could be best met by integrating supplemental supports into core (Tier 1) literacy instruction?
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