SALTA 3rd grade
Not Observed
(No Evidence of
Activity encourages competition/ does not encourage student to student support or collaboration. There is no message.
The topic seems disconnected from the students- students had trouble responding to the topic.
Three components are taught. Two or less components are taught.
Few selected sharers participate. Few stay on topic.
Few share respectfully.
(Some Evidence of Implementation)
The message exists but could better target daily tasks and/ or only some students hand the opportunity to reflect on or respond to the message.
Partially Observed
Sharing topic seems partially related to the student’s personal or school lives. Some selected to share do participate.
Some students focus on appropriate personal
experiences, relationships, and items (stay on topic).
Some stay on topic and share respectfully.
Activity encourages student cooperation but students often do not help each other, work
collaboratively or keep the focus on competition.
Indicator Yes - Clearly Observed (Strong Evidence of Implementation)
The message is connected to academic and/ or behavioral
tasks of the day. Each student has the opportunity to reflect on the message, some or all have the opportunity to respond to the message
All four components are taught: greeting, sharing, group activity, and morning message.
Students focus on appropriate personal experiences,
relationships, and items related to social or academic content.
All/ almost all stay on topic and share respectfully.
The activity encourages student cooperation and/or community spirit.
Sharing topic is aligned with personal, academic, or behavioral expectations.
All/ Almost all sharers participate.
Sharing: Students are asked to share information about
themselves or to share on a topic related to school (academic or behavioral). Sharing can be: around the circle, partner, or
dialogue. (ex: four students share, some students ask questions of those four)
Sharing Appropriate Information: Students share information that is aligned to the question or topic and respectful of others.
Activity: Activities foster the spirit of community and cooperation.
Message: The teacher has prepared a message for the students that is
connected to academic learning or behavioral expectations. The
message is posted for students to read. Students have the opportunity to reflect upon or respond to the message.
Components: All four components of Morning Meeting are taught. (This
item applies after the first two or so months of school, when all four
components have been scaffolded in or introduced).
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