SALTA 1st grade
Term 1
Term 3
Term 3
Write opinion pieces in which the student can do 2 of the following: • Introduce the topic or name the book they are writing about • State an opinion • Supply a reason for the opinion • Provide some sense of closure. Write informative/ explanatory texts in which the student can do 2 of the following: • Name a topic • Supply some facts about the topic • Provide some sense of closure. Write narratives in which the student can do ALL of the following: • Recount two or more appropriately sequenced events • Include some details regarding what happened • Use temporal words to signal event order • Provide some sense of closure.
Write opinion pieces in which the student can do ALL of the following: • Introduce the topic or name the book they are writing about • State an opinion • Supply a reason for the opinion • Provide some sense of closure. Write informative/ explanatory texts in which the student can do ALL of the following: • Name a topic • Supply some facts about the topic • Provide some sense of closure.
Write opinion pieces using a reason W.1.1
Write informational texts using facts W.1.2
Write narratives in which the student can do 2 of the following: • Recount two or more appropriately sequenced events • Include some details regarding what happened • Use temporal words to signal event order • Provide some sense of closure.
Write narrative texts to retell events W.1.3
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