SALTA 1st Grade Curriculum Map

• Multiple-choice tests administered on Day 5 • Measure students’ understanding of each week’s introduced vocabulary words/ high frequency words, word analysis skills, and comprehension skills • Help identify students who have mastered each week’s words and skills and students who may need intervention • Multiple-choice and constructed-response tests administered throughout the year, at the end of each six-week unit • Measure students’ abilities to apply target comprehension skills and other literacy skills taught during each unit • Help make instructional decisions for each student • Provide feedback about the effectiveness of your instruction and help to plan instruction for the next unit • Multiple-choice and constructed-response tests administered throughout the year, each week after students have been taught the comprehension skill lesson. • Give students opportunities to practice the target and review comprehension skills of the week with new selections matched to their instructional reading levels • Provide checks for oral reading fluency • Three problems within Independent Practice, Math Practice and Problem Solving to check for student understanding • A ssess students’ understanding of the lesson content and support building skill -based math groups • Can be assigned and accessed digitally • Rubrics designed to monitor development of proficiency with mathematical practice standards • Multiple-choice administered throughout the year, at the end of each topic. • Measure students’ skills and ability of math content standards • Help make instructional decisions for each student • Provide feedback about the effectiveness of instruction and help plan instruction for the next topic • Alternative assessments that measure student skill with open ended and short answer assessment items • Students engage in the mathematical practice standards by explaining thinking Description

Weekly Tests

Unit Tests

Fresh Reads for Fluency and Comprehension

enVision 2.0 Test Type

Quick Check

Math Practices Proficiency Rubric

Topic Assessment

Performance Assessment

Protocols for Designing Team Assessments

1. Use an existing assessment and name the targets behind each question • Teams look at assessments that are currently available and embedded in the curriculum. • Teams then review, modify and approve pre-developed assessments.

i. Unpack the standard(s) ii. Question by question iii. Learning targets iv. Match learning expectation and cognitive demand of the standard • Turn to your partner and create a list of current available assessments

2. Divide parts of an existing assessment among team members and develop sections

May 2019

©Canyons School District

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