SALTA 1st Grade Curriculum Map

Assessment supports for School-wide and Team Assessments Reading Street and enVision 2.0

Realize platform is the online support for access for the Reading Street and enVision 2.0. Teachers can access materials in their grade-level account.

To log in: User Name: SchoolNameCSD03 (insert your school name) ( e.g., ParkLaneCSD03) Password: See EdTech Coach or Achievement Coach

The following curricular assessments can be adapted and modified to support teachers or teams with gathering evidence of student mastery of standards in order to plan instructional responses before, during and after instruction has taken place. Reassessing Mastery Use assessments to help identify skill deficits that are preventing students from mastering standards. Planning to address skill deficits should also include a plan to evaluate mastery once the skills have been retaught. Reassessing mastery utilizes assessment strategies that include direct observation during whole group and small group instruction. Also consider previewing upcoming units to determine if the skill and standard will be further reviewed and make note of students who will need additional practice opportunities. Tracking Learning There is a strong correlation between student achievement and a student’s involvement in his or her progress. Having students track their learning using a simple graph and setting goals for each assessment is an easy way to involve students. This provides students with a clear purpose and provides them feedback on their current learning progress.

Reading Street Test Type


• Provide test prep or modeling opportunities involving text-based comprehension, vocabulary, and writing in multiple choice format as well as constructed and extended response. • Provide a higher level of rigor. • Gives students practice opportunities for performance-based tasks that include literary analysis. • Provides the same opportunities rigor and practice as the CCR test in a longer format, including constructed and extended response. • Baseline and End of year tests are cumulative assessments administered at the end or the beginning of each grade and assess comprehension skills, high-frequency words, phonics skills, written conventions and writing through multiple choice and constructed response questions. The Baseline test identifies below level, on level and strategic students. • Supports student writing development with extended writing products focused on writing and response to multiple texts and practice with citing text-based evidence. • Provides opportunities for students to demonstrate comprehension by responding to multiple sources within the unit of instruction. • Grades 3-5 Writing to Sources prompts are loaded in Utah Compose

CCR College and Career Readiness

Balanced Assessments

Baseline and End of Year

Writing to Sources

May 2019

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