SALTA 1st Grade Curriculum Map

Elementary Playworks  Brain Booster Overview 

Suggested Scope and Sequence:  Unit 1: PE & Recess Culture- 2 Weeks  Unit 2: Recess Games- 5 Weeks  Unit 3: Basketball- 3 Weeks  Unit 4: Tag- 3 Weeks  Unit 5: Indoor Games- 4 Weeks  Unit 6: Volleyball- 3 Weeks  Unit 7: Fit Kid- 3 Weeks  Unit 8: Soccer- 3 Weeks  Unit 9: Cooperative Games- 3 Weeks

Each week’s lesson plan contains Playworks games and methodologies which  are aligned to Utah State Core Standards for Physical Education.  Some lessons also contain a Social/Emotional connection utilizing the CASEL  Wheel.  Throughout the year, there are 7 review weeks between units where Playworks  Instructional Technicians have the ability to teach and reteach games or rules  that need to be addressed.  The last 3 weeks of brain boosters are dedicated to tournaments, reward  games/student choice, and field day.  

Additional Resources: 

● Playworks Playkit  ● Utah State Core Standards for Physical Education 

● Playworks Game Videos  ● CASEL Competencies 

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