SALTA 1st Grade Curriculum Map

20 20-2021 Standards-Based Reporting Timeline

First Trimester: -Trimester ends November 17t h -Report cards sent home: November 1 8 th-2 4th Second Trimester: -Grading/Teacher Preparation Day January 1 5 th - Trimester ends March 3r d - Report cards sent home: March 4th-10th Third Trimester: -School ends May 2 7 th -Report cards sent home: -Grades 1-5: May 2 6 th-2 7 th Report cards should not be printed until after the last day attendance is recorded. -Kindergarten: Report cards will be given to students when they come to their KEEP exit assessment appointment. -Remaining report cards will be held in the office until the last day the office is open, then the office will mail them out. *Schools will select the date, from the given range, that report cards will be sent home. Please ensure all report cards from the school are sent home on the same day. 2020-2021 Parent Teacher Conference Timeline Fall Conferences: -Fall Conferences: Sept. 23rd-24th Winter Conferences -Winter Conferences: February 24th-25th

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