SALTA 1st Grade Curriculum Map

Elementary Electronic Gradebook At the request of our Board of Education and Superintendent, we were asked to review and provide a way for parents of elementary students to access their children’s performance online. Currently, our CSD secondary parents have access to this information through Skyward , hence the need to provide this for all K-12 parents. During the 20 19-2020 school year, we piloted two online platforms throughout our elementary schools to gain insight, feedback and direction on how we could meet the Board’s request. After 4-5 months of feedback from teachers and parents, Canyons Board of Education ha s selected Skyward as the online electronic gradebook. All elementary teachers will be trained in August on the platform. Aligning with our current practice of Standards Based Grading, the Skyward will provide parents with information on how their child is progressing towards mastery of standards. Teachers will be asked to enter data weekly and progress will be

recorded following the same 1,2,3 that our report cards use. Expectations for entering assignments, projects and assessments Minimum Data Points:

- ELA: one per week - Math: one per week - Science: one per week, when teaching Science standards

Other Data Points to consider:

- Non-reporting standards - Social Studies

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