SALTA 1st Grade Curriculum Map
ELA standards are represented in three different ways. The standards are presented in a variety of ways to help educators discern when particular standards demand more or less attention. Utah Core Standards are included to provide a reference of your grade-level standards in Reading Literature and Information texts, Foundational Skills, Writing, and Speaking and Listening. These standards are included in grade-level bands (K-2 or 3-5) and offer a focus for instruction to help ensure that students gain adequate mastery of a range of skills and applications. ELA Standards Vertical Alignment of Standards provides a K-6 overview of each ELA standard. The skills students should have mastered in previous grade levels are represented in black text, while red text indicates a skill or understanding that is new to each grade level. Students advancing through the grades are expected to meet each year’s grade-level specific standards, and retain or further develop skills and understandings from the preceding grades. The vertical alignment of standards helps teachers to plan and support students on this learning continuum. ELA Grade Level Standards NOT Explicitly Represented in the Curriculum Map includes standards that are not represented as targeted standards in the district- adopted curriculum. This page outlines those standards and provides a rationale for not being represented in the map. Throughout the course of the school year, teachers should refer to these standards to ensure students develop an understanding of all grade-level standards. A tool for aligning standards to increase the number of students earning an ACT composite score of 18 or higher can be found here. ELA is a spiraled curriculum that steps up in complexity of the standards therefore, all grade levels play an important part in ensuring college and career readiness. The attached document highlights important connections between the ACT and the Utah Core Standards. Teacher’s understanding and teaching the connections between the Utah Core Standards and the ACT will support students to be College and Career Ready.
Considerations for Educators
Plan and teach using the Utah Core standards.
Use district-adopted curriculums to teach the Utah Core standards. Set clear standards-based learning intentions and success criteria. Use frequent, ongoing assessment of standards to drive daily instruction. Provide opportunities for practice and extension based on formative assessment outcomes. Communicate student progress toward mastery of grade-level standards.
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