SALTA 1st Grade Curriculum Map
How to use Lexia Core 5 Data: Data can be used to inform instruction during ELA skills-based instruction. Teachers are encouraged to provide further instruction using the identified Lexia Lessons and other downloadable materials. For more information on the data available and how to use it, contact the Lexia Core 5 representatives, Nikki Osborn and Marci Houseman Recommendations for Kindergarten usage with Lexia Core 5: ● ½ day Kindergarten usage is not recommended ● Full Day Kindergarten usage 60 min. per week during Skills-based Instruction (SBI) ● Supplemental Kindergarten usage 60 min. per week during Skills-based Instruction (SBI) iReady Overview: i-Ready is a technology-based diagnostic ( i-Ready Diagnostic ) and instruction program for reading. The Diagnostic Assessment (K-12) places students into online instruction at the sub-skill level. The Diagnostic Assessment is adaptive in that it adjusts the difficulty level of the questions presented depending on student response to previous questions. Upon completion of the assessment, the program links the student to lessons to complete online. Link to learn more about iReady: When to administer iReady Diagnostic Tests: October 22, December 4, January 22 How to use iReady Data: Data can be used to inform instruction during ELA skills-based instruction. Teachers are encouraged to provide further instruction using the downloadable lessons that correlate to the skills being reinforced on the computer. 2020-2021 EISP HB513 Fidelity: 30-49 minutes per week, for 30+ weeks Not recommended for use in Kindergarten
Reading Plus-- THIS IS NOT PART OF EISP, AND IS APPROVED FOR SCHOOLS TO PURCHASE Overview: Reading Plus has developed proven instructional and practice activities to build and strengthen the visual skills needed for efficiency — the foundation of reading proficiency. In the SeeReader ® activity, students read text in the Reading Plus Guid ed Window™ to improve reading efficiency. The Guided Window moves according to the rate at which the student is currently reading and adapts based on the student’s performance with comprehension questions. This patented technology moves students toward eff icient, independent reading at a grade-appropriate rate. The Guided Window makes reading comfortable by scaffolding the silent reading
process, freeing up the mental energy needed for the ultimate goal of reading: comprehension Link to learn more about Reading Plus:
How to use Reading Plus Data: Data can be used to inform instruction during ELA skills-based instruction. Reading Plus offers comprehensive printable materials for direct instruction and differentiation at the class, small group, and individual level. For more information on the data available and how to use it, contact the Reading Plus representative, Kevin Sheridan 2020-2021 EISP HB513 Fidelity: NOT APPLICABLE
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