SALTA 1st Grade Curriculum Map

Canyons School District

Special Education Department 

Special Education  Implementation Tools & Resources  Special Education Website (Weebly) 

Critical Actions for  Educators  .………………………... ● Determine that  your IEP is aligned  to Utah Core  Standards: Present  Levels, Goals,  Services 

 Special Education is used to support students through Individualized Education  Plans in order to access the General Education Core Standards.   ELA:   THe Utah Core Standards for ELA Practice ​ : are included to provide a reference  of your grade-level standards in Reading Literature and Information texts,  Foundational Skills, Writing, and Speaking and Listening. These standards are  included in grade-level bands (K-2 or 3-5) and offer a focus for instruction to  help ensure that students gain adequate mastery of a range of skills and  applications.   Math: The Utah Core Standards for Mathematical Practice ​ : identify the fundamental  skills in the math domains at each grade level for vertical alignment. Utah Core  Standards for Mathematical Practice describe varieties of expertise that  educators at all levels should seek to develop in their students. These practices  rest on important “processes and proficiences” with longstanding importance  in mathematics education.   Utah Core Standards Alignment and IEP goals ​ . Standards based IEP goals are  written with the use of the core standards. Case managers align students'  current abilities on the continuum of standards and address the needs required  to close the educational gap. Reasonable individual gains are considered when  writing a one year IEP goal.   Special Education teachers may use off grade level core standards in order to  close identified educational gaps. Within each strand are standards. A standard  represents a fundamental element of learning that is expected. While some  standards within a strand may be more comprehensive than others, all  standards are necessary for mastery.  Essential Elements  The Essential Elements (EEs) are “specific statements and skills linked to the  grade-level expectations identified in college-and-career-readiness standards”  (Dynamic Learning Maps [DLM] ​ DLM ​ ). They are the “big rocks” of the Utah  Core Standards. Each Essential Element has a respective learning map with  linkage levels that identify basic skills within the standard to set an appropriate  challenge for students with significant cognitive disabilities, no matter their  ability level.  

● Use the PSI 

Phonics Screener  for Intervention to  place students in  the 95% Phonics  Lesson Library  (PLL) 

● Connect with your  Achievement 

Coach for  checking 

procedures of  95% Phonics  Lesson Library 

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