SALTA 1st Grade Curriculum Map

HOMEWORK GUIDELINES What works? The overall message of homework research is the right amount of homework that is high quality, provides timely feedback, and is purposeful can be beneficial for learning and too much homework has negative effects on student achievement. (Hattie, 2008) Purpose

Homework needs a clear purpose and should be able to be completed without assistance. Homework should focus on the process of learning rather than the final result (Schimmer, 2016). Valid purposes for homework include: 1. Practicing a skill or process that students can do independently, but not fluently. 2. Elaborating on information that has been addressed in class to deepen students’ knowledge. 3. Providing opportunities for students to explore topics of their own interest (Vatterott, 2009). CSD Resources that align to these purposes include:



ELA Homework Skills Online Leveled Readers on the Realize platform Nightly reading student motivational and high interest books Computer assisted learning (Lexia, Imagine Learning) CSD Parent Online Toolkit

enVision 2.0 Online Practice Buddy Adaptive Homework & Practice Powered by Knewton Computer assisted learning (Reflex, ST Math, iReady, Dreambox) CSD Parent Online Toolkit

Key Findings of Homework Research • Homework provides formative data for teachers and learners when it becomes a tool for continuing the learning the next day (Erkens, 2016). • “Homework is most effective when it covers material already taught. Material that was taught the same day is not as effective as an assignment given to review and reinforce skills learned previously” (AFT, 2006) • “Homework is also most effective when it is used to reinforce skills learned in previous weeks or months” (AFT, 2006). This will provide additional reinforcement to build automaticity in the concept being practiced. Time and Communication • Shorter, more frequent homework is better than longer assignments given infrequently (Vatterott, 2009). • Homework should be time-based. This means students should be given a specific amount of time to complete it and stop when that time is up. The general rule of thumb in elementary is 10 minutes per grade level (Cooper, 2001). • Parents should be made aware of the purpose of the homework assignments, the length of time the student should spend, and the expectations. Parents should feel free to call a halt to homework assignments if their child is getting frustrated, spending an inordinate amount of time on homework, or obviously doesn’t understand what to do. Sending a note or an email to the teacher is entirely appropriate and teachers should respond positively. It is important to note, research indicates that homework has little or no effect on student achievement at the elementary level. Additionally, homework can create inequality with student access to content, and add significant stress to families and students who need the most support. Be sure to use best practices by assigning the right amount of homework that is high quality, provides timely feedback and is purposeful.

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