Elementary PE Brainbooster

PE/Playworks Unit Overview

K-2nd: Indoor Games


Introduce students to activities that can be played in a variety of spaces on Indoor Recess Days. Students will be able to participate in a variety of games that can be played in classrooms, gyms, and other educational spaces.

PE Strands and Standards


3.1: Identify active play opportunities outside physical education class. 3.2: Actively participate in physical activities in class. 5.4: Discuss the enjoyment of participating in activities with others. 3.2: Actively engage in physical activity during class. 4.1: Accept personal responsibility by using equipment and space appropriately. 5.4: Discuss the enjoyment of participating in activities with others. 3.3: Participate in physical activity in response to instruction and practice. 4.3: Demonstrate safe and respectful behavior toward classmates and equipment during physical activity. 5.4: Discuss how working together can result in a positive outcome.




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