Elementary PE Brainbooster

over the bowling pin. After they throw the frisbee, they will retrieve it and return it to their team. ● You will continue calling out numbers (equally) until a team knocks the bowling pin over. Reset the bowling pin and begin the next round with calling out another number. Review how to throw a frisbee with accuracy. ● Have students point their frisbee at their partner, holding it with their thumb rotated on top. ● Bring the frisbee back across their waist (like buckling up in the car) ● Smooth motion back towards their target, keeping the frisbee flat, like a “plate of food” and release as they get it back to that “point” position.

Practice and Play

Remind students who are waiting in line to cheer for their teammates.

Modification: ● Instead of calling out numbers, set it up as a relay.

○ After the first student in line throws the frisbee, they will retrieve it and quickly return it to the next student in line, who will throw from their cone and retrieve the frisbee. Teams will continue the relay until someone knocks down the bowling pin.


Return to Home Base and ask the following: ● How did we practice teamwork in this game? ● What did you like about this game?

Transition students into smaller groups for the next activity.

Frisbee Golf

Show How How to Play:

● Split students up into groups of 3-5, giving each group (or student) a frisbee. ● The object of the game is to get the frisbee into the “hole” (like golf, but we will use a hula hoop or container) with the least amount of throws. These “holes” will be spread out across the gym or field. ● The first student will throw their frisbee and let it land. They will go to the spot it lands and throw again, with the ability to pivot (one foot stays connected to the ground, the other can take a step) towards the target. They will continue this process until they throw their frisbee into the hoop/container and then the next student will begin with their first throw. ● If students are sharing the frisbee, the second student will be the second throw, etc. until the group gets it into the hoop/container. Rotate the order so students get a chance to be the first thrower. ● Groups will rotate between the “holes” and attempt to complete each one, keeping track of their throw attempts.


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