Elementary PE Brainbooster
and Play
Modifications: ● Students who don’t have flags can pull them off of students and add it back to their belt. They still may not pick up flags from the ground. ● Split groups into teams, differentiating with jerseys/pinnies.
Return to Home Base and ask the following: ● How did you change up your speed during this game? ● What was fun and challenging about this game? Quarter Football
Show How How to Play:
● Divide class into two teams, designating one team as “offense” and the other as “defense” and giving them jerseys. ● The offense team gets four attempts to move a small object (quarter or something that fits inside students fists) from their end zone to the other. ● Both teams line up facing each other at one end line and on your “Go Word’ (or hike ), the offensive team tries to run towards the end zone while the defense tries to safely tag as many players as possible. ● Once tagged, offensive players must freeze until all players have been tagged. Wherever the student with the quarter hidden in their hand is tagged is the next “down”, where students will line up again and repeat the attempt to score. ● If the student with the quarter gets into the end zone without being tagged, the offense gets one point and the teams switch from offense to defense, starting at that end zone. ● If defense tags the student with the quarter on the fourth “down” before they get into the end zone, the defensive team gets the quarter wherever the last student got tagged. Review how to tag safely, using butterfly fingers on the USA areas on the body and running safely amongst both teams. Remind the offensive team they can use a huddle to come up with a strategy to be successful.
Practice and Play
Remind students who are waiting in line to cheer for players.
Modification: ● Use flags instead of butterfly fingers.
Return to Home Base and ask the following: ● What did you like about this game? ● What was a successful strategy for this game? Wrap Up
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