Elementary PE Brainbooster
go to the end of the line. The next student joining the game will begin the round by serving.
Practice andPlay
Review how to throw, catch and hit a ball against the wall.
Demonstrate with one student to show the pattern of the ball. ● Hit, ground, wall, ground, hit.
Remind students to use RSB if there is a disagreement.
K-2 Modification: ● Students can catch the ball instead of hit it, still following the pattern.
Ask the following: ● What did safety, respect, etc. look like during Wall Ball? ● Where can we play this game during recess? ● What skills did we practice while playing this game? Wall Ball (Large Group)
Show How How to Play:
● Define the boundaries of the game with lines or cones to create a safe play space for all students. ● The game begins with a student who throws the ball against the wall. Everyone else will try to catch it, either in the air or after it bounces. ● If the ball touches someone or they drop it, they must run and touch the wall to stay in the game. ● If someone else picks up the ball after it gets dropped, they will throw it against the wall before the student running gets there. ● If the ball hits the wall before the student touches the wall, that student will leave the boundary of the game. ● The round ends when there’s only one player left. Review how to throw and catch the tennis ball safely. ● Tell students to throw the ball away from the runner’s path. ● If the thrower hits a student before the wall, they will leave the game for the round.
Practice andPlay
Modification: ● Instead of staying out of the game, students can get back in by:
○ Doing a movement based consequence (like jumping jacks) ○ Return to the game when the person who got them out gets out themselves (Revenge style)
Ask the following: ● How were we safe during this game? ● What did we like about this game? ● Where can we play this game during recess?
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