Elementary PE Brainbooster

● Each station will be designated by boundaries and students will be expected to participate by the rules within each game. ● Students will have the choice to do whatever game and be able to move between activities. ● They must engage in one of the three activities.

Practice andPlay

Before allowing them to choose, do a quick review of each game ● Lightning/Knockout/Speed

○ Depending on your school, this game has several names but the basic rules apply. ○ Students will line up, single file, behind the free throw line with the first two students starting with a ball. ○ The point of the game is to make a basket first, before the other shooter. ○ The first student will shoot, followed immediately by the second shooter. Once both players have shot from the free throw line, they are able to rebound and shoot from wherever on the court (unless they make it). ○ If the first student makes their shot before the second student, they will pass the ball back to the next student in line and return to the end, waiting for their next turn. ○ If the second student makes it before the first, both students return their ball to the line and the first student will have a consequence. ■ This can be sitting out until only one student is left in the game. ■ If it’s “revenge style”, students can enter back in when the student who got them out gets knocked out themselves. ○ More cones for boundaries and/or balls will be needed based on how many students want to play.

● Plan games accordingly by interest levels


Return to Home Base and ask the following: ● Between all of the activities, which ones did you enjoy most? ● How do our interactions change between each of the games? ● What were ways we were positive towards each other? WrapUp

Review Review I can… statements

Final Debrief: ● How does physical activity help us have positive social interactions? ● What will you play during recess?

End class with Closing Procedure.


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