Elementary PE Brainbooster
Practice andPlay
Review safe tagging and movement ● Taggers must always use “butterfly fingers”, which are soft, fluttering fingers that only tag on U.S.A. ○ Upper back ○ Shoulders ○ Arms ● No matter the locomotor skill (walking, galloping, leaping, etc.), review how students can move safely.
Return to Home Base and ask the following: ● Check your pulse…what is your heart doing? ● What does our heart do when we exercise?
Prepare students for the next activity.
Recycle Ball
Show How How to Play
● Students will sit in a big circle, where they’ll pass a ball, hand to hand, around the group. ● Place a trash can (or large container) in the center of the circle. ● Pick a song they’ll want to sing while passing the ball. When the song finishes, the student holding the ball will stand up and attempt to toss the ball into the container. If they make or miss the shot, you will go retrieve the ball and hand it to a new student and start the game again. ● To support more students getting to try, have students who have gone pass it to the next student who hasn’t had a turn. Review how to throw underhand and overhand (2nd grade) ● Underhand: With the ball starting down by their leg, the student will toss the ball, palm up, and release it just above their waist. ● Overhand: Stepping with their opposite foot, the student will raise their arm above their head, leading with their elbow, with the ball held behind their head. As the step, they’ll draw their throwing arm forward and release the ball and follow-through towards the target.
Practice andPlay
2nd Grade Modification: Have students practice underhand and overhand.
Add another ball to speed up the chances of shooting.
Ask the following: ● What skills did you practice during this game? ● How did it feel when your classmates cheered for you? WrapUp
Review Review I can… statements
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